I am a psychopath!

At least, according to an Internet email question, which I answered correctly. Apparently this question was posed to a number of serial killers and they all answered it correctly, too.

I am not the only member of my family who answered it correctly. We pretty much all did. Except my daughter-in-law, who is now a bit worried. Heh heh.

Now, I have a question. Exactly how much reliance should anyone put on a two-sentence Internet psychopath test? Should I isolate myself, along with the family members who also passed this test? Should we seek help?

I would guess that, if this test was given to a large sample and only serial killers answered it correctly it would have some merit. Obviously that’s not the case, as I am not a serial killer, nor are my sons, and I’m pretty sure my husband isn’t, either. (I don’t know where he’d find the time.)

What was the question?

Not at all?

Why do I get the feeling that the question I just answered is the question that determines whether or not one is a psychopath, and I just failed the test?

I don’t remember what the question was, but I remember taking the test. I, too, am a psychopath.

Wanna get together after work and kill some people?

That’s in response to the question,
“Exactly how much reliance should anyone put on a two-sentence Internet psychopath test?”

I’m gonna say less than zero reliance. Here’s the test per Snopes:

Honestly, the whole idea that it’s a test for psychopaths is too silly for words.

From my experience with it, it’s a quick question linked to standard ones used on IQ tests The expected answer is pretty obvious by the limited info given using standard problem-solving cues. Whether you would ever do such a thing in real life is unrelated.

I think the only real two question test that would definitively answer whether you were a psychopath would be something to the effect of “Did you ever know anybody who got between you and something you really wanted?” and “What did you use to hide the evidence?” If the answer to part two is a tangible noun, the odds are pretty good you’re a psychopath.

Of course wouldn’t a psychopath lie on a test?

Obviously the guy was in reality her long lost sibling, born as a woman, but identifying as a male. She killed him because they could never be together.

At least, that’s how my sleep-deprived mind interpreted it.

Ah, now my answer was “He was her sister’s husband whom she had never met before”.

Looks like I’m just too darn traditional to be a proper psycho, time-spent-on-internet notwithstanding.

My answer was “it looked like the sister was getting ahead with him faster.”

I’m apparently not a psycho either. Should I be disappointed?

Only if you’re okay with not getting invited to all the popular parties.

I really hate this bullshit. It’s horribly difficult to detect and diagnose psychopaths, and for every worthless “test” like this there’s a bunch of morons who’ll believe in it.

My answer was “She was a psychopath.”