I am an alcoholic

I cant handle my drinking, and I cant handle my life as it is right now. I am sufficiently scared to say I am not going to do it any more. I am stopping now before it gets worse and someone gets hurt. Please pray for me.

You should consider looking into AA if you are that concerned. Good luck.

Sassy, you are in my thoughts. It won’t be easy. Don’t give up. Please, don’t give up. Feel free to email me if you need support, or just someone to chat with. I’m here.

“The quickest way to a man’s heart is through his ribcage.” --anonymous redhead

Sassy, you are in my prayers but get help from someone who knows the problem. AA is probably the best place to start. Alcohol problems are very serious and few people can control them by themselves.

You’ll be in my prayers, Sassy, but the others are quite right. It’s a very brave thing you’re doing, but it’s difficult to do on your own. AA can help you, or, if that doesn’t seem right for you, there are other groups out there, like Rational Recovery. Let people help, and I wish you the best.


Sassy, hang in there. You’re strong. Let people help you. I’m praying for you.

Here are some places to start.

“It is now proved beyond doubt that smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics.”

That took a lot of courage- I will certainly be praying for you to have strength. You can beat this! Please get help- you aren’t alone.

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.

Not enough and you’re gonna die…
Click here for some GOOD news for a change Zettecity

Echoing all said. And, Sassy, realize that alcohol is a very addictive substance, or it wouldn’t be sold on every street corner. Some are more susceptible than others. If it’s making your life hard, get support to change the habit. Prayers on the way…stick with your resolving wish!

Even Kurt Vonnegut supports AA as one of the best artificial families you can find. It’s in the book, pick up the phone book.

Thank you all for your kind responses. I knew I could count on this group, and I will continue to hope you will keep me honest. I have called AA and will go to a meeting tomorrow. I am also going to call my doctor. I know I can have a better life than this.

Sassy, you are gonna be FINE.

You just did the first thing, you admited the problem.

You are gonna be FINE!

You will get the help, and we will always be here to listen.

big hug,

Sassy keep at it girl, I know you have it in you to get thru this. Email me if you need someone to kick ya in the butt and say buck up girlie and let’s focus on the positive. I’ve been there before, and as much as it is nice to have people say they love and care for you, you also have to learn to do that for yourself. You are taking the right steps with AA. Even if it doesn’t feel right the first couple of meetings keep making yourself go. You will not regret it.

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!


Here are some more good wishes for you.

Rehab is for quitters!

Nah, seriously, good luck.

“What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?” --W.C. Fields


My brother and my sister have been in AA for 18 & 19 years, respectively. It does take some time, and effort; but I’ve watched it turn around two lost souls who were dear to me. My brother is married to a girl I adore and has a 2 1/2 year old daughter, and my sister married a very nice guy and has a 7 year ols and a five year old. All are doing well, now. Incidentally, both met their mates in AA.

I saw your profile and realized, since your in the city where my siblings started the program, I’ve met quite a few of the people your about to meet and make friends with over the next couple of years - quite a few exceptional folks.

Good luck, Sassy, and keep us posted.


I thought the proper response to this Topic: line was supposed to be, “Hi, Sassy.”

(Get it? 'Cause that’s what they say at AA meetings when you introduce yourself and say you’re an alcoholic, and … uh … aw, skip it.)

Alcohol, the cause of, and the solution to, all of life’s problems.

Actually Sass, good luck to ya, sorry I left you in chat last night. Had I known things were out of control I’d have hung in there with you, hope you get the short term problems sorted out, you know glasses, keys, wallet ;.

Not that I know much about your problems, but be sure to accurately assess them, and then confront them in a straightforward and determined way.

Just to play devils advocate for a second. If the drinking is a symptom of a greater problem, and a condition of depression or acting out bacause of some recent changes in your life you should be clear on that. You don’t want to put all you eggs in the AA basket in the case that you’re drinking to hide some other real pain. Don’t scapegoat drinking unless it is the true problem, but you most definately should stop drinking until you can sort things out with a level head.

Sassy, I haven’t known you long, chica, but you’re in my thoughts. Hang in there, girlie, you can make it.

When are you going to realize being normal isn’t necessarily a good thing?

Waves of support, warmth and admiration coming your way, Sassy. You’ll make it because you took that hard first step: recognizing that alcohol can’t be a part of your life.

Please, email me at any time. My Ex is an alcholic. He dove into a bottle and lost his work, his license, his wife, and soon his life. Even after 4 separate bouts of DT’s and 2 hospital rehabs, he won’t admit that alcohol is killing him. His liver is shot, his health is shot and a simple cold will kill him. But he still starts the day with a tumbler of wine for breakfast and insists he can stop anytime.

Please, don’t think you need to go it alone. AA can and will be an enormous help. I attended AA meetings w/ the Ex and was amazed at how many acquaintances and “visible” folks were there. (BTW, they were also a funny, upbeat group.)

You’ve done something wonderful in recognizing booze for the problem it is in your life. You’re saving your life.

Best of all possible luck and please–feel free to email me anytime.


Okay, admittedly I’m talking out my azz here, not having had that problem. However, I’ll still add my 2cents. Opening mouth, inserting foot…

There’s been a lot of positive statements here about AA. I won’t rain on that parade, but just let me second that there are alternatives, if for whatever reason AA feels wrong to you or makes you uncomfortable. Rational Recovery is an alternative.

It was founded by an ex-AA with criticisms of the program, looking for a better alternative. I don’t wish to say I know it’s better - haven’t tried either. I merely add this as information for your use.

My brother had a drinking problem. He went to one AA meeting, said it was horrible and made him want to drink more. He quit drinking on his own in '93 and hasn’t had a drink since, and hasn’t wanted a drink. It was a decision he made for himself. He realized it could kill him - nearly did. Now he doesn’t look back. Even went through a rough couple years and a divorce without seeking alcohol. You can do it.

You’ve taken the first step - admitting there is a problem.

Next, seek a supportive environment, friends and family who support you, not drag you down. Don’t surround yourself with people who expect drinking to be part of any social experience. That’s probably the hardest part - realizing the people who will make your life difficult for wanting to quit, and severing your ties. (I’m not saying you can never be around anyone who drinks again. But definitely not around people who try to get you to drink.)

Also, to second Omniscient, you should evaluate why you drink, why it’s a problem, and find out what the root cause is. If your problems are emotional and psychological, quitting drinking won’t make them go away. You may do better for a time, but the stress and difficulty would still be there. Do some personal evaluation of your life, your situation, and your past. I really suggest counseling - a good therapist can help you delve into those issues and work with you on common problems. And no, that’s not getting a psychiatrist for life. A good therapist will recommend a limited series of sessions and will work toward addressing a particular goal. My mother is a licensed social worker and clinical counselor, and she’s dealt with problems so bizarre it would make yours seem trivial.

Finally, believe in yourself. You can do it.