So rather than start some GD thread, which I am not about, I prefer not to debate but to discuss in a more mild manner so pardon me. Please if you feel you have to debate this, please start another thread and link back to this post. Of course, mod’s please move if you have to but if you do I will not participate because this is more of an internal feeling I have than something that can be “debated” with cites and facts.
As I sit here with my precious kitty on my lap, a lot of confusion has set over while watching the news. It’s either that or watch America’s Store but consumerism just isn’t in the stars for me at this time. I don’t really need a radar detector, the cops aren’t looking for the speeders at this time.
I had learned that the Taliban has declared a “Holy War” against our nation much earlier tonight. The people that have apparently been harboring the man our government believes to be behind this attack. What confuses me on this issue is, are we 100% sure that bin Laden is behind this? Do we really have the evidence? Can I as the average citizen know that my government is targeting the right “leader” of the attack?
Okay, so let’s say our government knows and has conclusive evidence that bin Laden is behind this. Do I support the “Wanted, Dead or Alive” comment that Bush came up with given the fact that I am against death as a revenge ideal but believe that justice must prevail. I believe in our Constitution, very deeply and that each shall have representation and if convicted, it should be in a juried trial, our country or not. No citizen of this Earth should have the same rights that we have in our own nation. I can’t believe that a president that defends our Constitution wouldn’t want to uphold what we hold so dear in our nation – even for someone like bin Laden. McVeigh got it, why couldn’t others in the world? I personally find his comments very horrific.
Look, I believe completely in justice. I want to see those that are behind this pay (not with their lives as I am against the death penalty) for this act. I want people to see the people in a court of law. If we kill anyone associated with this, how does this make what they did right? They aren’t against dying for their cause anyway, so doesn’t it make sense to ask them to answer to the charges in a public forum, make them examples and start (yes some civil rights people will be against this) giving them some type of work camps if they are found guilty for the crimes?
Again, I am against the death penalty, the old “Wanted Dead or Alive” ideal. The God I know doesn’t allow us for that much judgement for life or death. In my world, all people deserve the benefit of Constitutional rights, even those living in other countries for that’s what I completely and totally believe in. Without that we are just another rogue nation that has to retaliate in the same way that these terrorists attacked us. We are a free people, so shouldn’t we take any suspected terrorist to trial?
I tell you I am confused and saddened over this all because in my heart I can’t follow what I am hearing from our government but in my logical side (yes I have a little logical thinking) if we just kill them all then we have solved a problem. But then my heart thinks, the more we kill the more people will hate what we are doing…it’s just a big damn circle that baffles me.
Your thoughts are appreciated. And I have to stress that I am against violence in the realm of killing without trial so please know that before you respond.