I am so fucking tired of extremism.

(This is not about anyone or any thread on SDMB in particular. Although I think there are strains of it throughout a lot of the threads on here about touchy topics, the SDMB is one of the few places I think I can expect to hear reasoned debate instead of jingoistic extremist garbage as the norm.)

I’m tired of people on both sides of an issue telling me that I’m no different than their polar opposites. I’m tired of being told by gun control advocates that I’m nothing but a frothing-at-the-mouth gun nut because I don’t think the 2nd Amendment can be just wished away. I’m tired of NRA members calling me a leftist liberal elitist because I think that making someone wait 5 days and have a background check isn’t a huge burden in the purchase of a device that was designed to kill someone. I’m tired of gun control advocates telling me that there’s no reason that anyone should be able to purchase a “high powered rifle” because it’s a danger to little Timmy and all the little Timmies in the world. I’m tired of NRA members telling me that everyone and anyone should be able to walk into a sporting goods store and be able to purchase a military assault weapon because “… we have the right to keep and bear arms.”

I’m tired of Pro-Life assholes telling me that I condone the murder of babies because I admit that I don’t know when conception begins and that aborting a clump of cells is not the equivalent to murder. I’m tired of Pro-Choice morons telling me I can’t accept the idea of a woman having control of her body because I admit that late term abortions make me uncomfortable and that there’s nothing magical about passing through the birth canal that turns it from a fetus to a baby.

I’m tired of being told that I’m a sycophant if I don’t denigrate every single move made by President Bush since his inauguration. I’m tired of being told that I’m Un-American and aiding the terrorists if I do criticize some of his decisions. I’m tired of being told I’m divisive and incapable of moving on if I point out that the results from the 2000 Presidential election wasn’t exactly a clear cut endorsement of George W. Bush as a candidate. I’m tired of being called a sell-out if I don’t think that President Bush is a “pretender” or is presidency is illegitimate because of the irregularities in Florida.

I’m tired of being told that I’m divisive and ‘blaming the victim’ if I point out that there are short-comings in our foreign policy in the Middle East. I’m tired of being told that I’m an arrogant American for saying that rooting out and destroying the forces responsible for the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon is the only possible response, no matter what the causes of the attack, real or imagined. I’m tired of being told I don’t care about anyone but Americans/Westerners/etc when I say that the deaths in Iraq (of whatever number they may be) are the fault of Saddam Hussein and not the fault of those enforcing the U.N. sanctions. I’m tired of being called a defeatist pussy (direct quote) if I point out that sanctions aren’t really working terribly well and maybe we need to look for other ways to effect change.

I’m tired of extremists trying to paint me and anyone else who might possibly be somewhere in the middle of an issue into the other camp of extremists. I’m tired of people “protesting” carrying around placards of Yasser Arafat as the hero of the downtrodden. He’s not Nelson Mandela, goddamn it. I’m tired of watching people labeling Ariel Sharon as “the next Hitler”. I’m tired of listening to people tell me that the suicide bombers are simply trying to fight back against the evil Israelis. I’m tired of hearing that Israel bulldozing three dozen houses in a refugee camp is a “proportional response” because 2 gunmen came from that camp.

I’m tired of being called a bloodthirsty murderer if I think that there are times that the death penalty is not only warranted, but the only sensible alternative. I’m tired of being called “soft on crime” when I say that the way the death penalty is applied in this country doesn’t make me comfortable and that some extra oversight might be in order, considering how final it is.

I’m tired of being called a potential rapist because I think that what does and does not constitute rape can be a cloudy issue in some instances. I’m tired of being called a pussy because no matter what someone is wearing they’re never fucking asking for it.

Fuck you dick-nose, just because I don’t believe in every single fucking point of their agenda, that doesn’t fucking mean that I’m diametrically opposed. Listen here, shit-swill, you morons have got to learn that “if you’re not with me, you’re against me” is not the answer to all of life’s little fucking problems. And not many of the big ones. I can be as dedicated and sure of myself on some issues as you are, you tunnel-vision, single track hobby horse riding mother fucker. But even when I’m sure that my point of view is the right one, I don’t make the mistake that everyone who disagrees with me is disagreeing with me for the same goddamn reasons. I’m tired of being pissed on by both sides of an issue just because I’m not jumping into the deep end of either side of the continuum.

Beautiful. Just absolutely beautiful.

This is one of the few “me-too” posts I’ve ever made, primarily because Ankh_Too is one of the posters that I respect the most. Good writing, sir, well-reasoned and clear.

"I am so fucking tired of extremism."

“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.” Barry Goldwater, 1964.

You may ask of me: “And your point is…?” There is none really, except such a passonate rant deserves a reply…

wipes away a tear OPs like that are a big part of the reason why I love this place.

A- motherfuking-MEN!!!

can we get this stickied to the top of GD for a while?

Thanks Ank for articualting something that I am sure a lot of us moderates have been feeling for a long time. Its been particularly difficult since last september, as it seems that desperation breeds fundamentalism and extremeism. (it happened in Afghanistan and Palestine, its happening here too, in a different way)

Some of my old college friends and I used to have rounds of spirited policy and political debate thru emails, but soon after Sept 11, if i sent them anything ANTI Bush, or critical of our foreign policy, they started replying “THIS ISN’T THE TIME FOR THIS SORT OF THING”.

Most people are fair-weather-pluralists. And when the stakes get high, debate and discourse fall prey to rushed judgement and us-against-them-ism. Ironically, this is when we actually need to keep up dialogue the most.

Thanks again for your post, which I’ve just printed out and put among my favorite Op Ed columns and onion articles.



May I print this out and post it in my house? I have a housemate who is a raging earth-firster, and even though I am about as good an example of a practicing environmentalist that exists, she thinks I am not because:

a) I don’t think monkey-wrenching has any validity except as a cathartic day-dream,

b) I am a proponent of the telescope on Mt. Graham, because I don’t think it will have a big effect on the squirrel population.

You have managed to eloquently express how I feel about most political situations in general. Thank you!

You’re all right, Ank. Just remember my own saying, please:

Your post describes exactly why I avoid GD.

Am I the only one who’s found it odd that Rush Limbaugh, despite his dislike of Liberals, hates Moderates even more? It’s getting so that people are missing the shades of gray and are gravitating towards black or white more and more…

I don’t have much to say, except that it pisses me off that many people don’t agree. THAT sucks.

Kill all the extremists!

Hurrah, Ankh_Too! Excelsior! Fucking brilliant!


Well done.

Anything taken to extremes is bad!


This was very very much appreciated.

I do believe that there are black and white issues in the world, but they are far fewer than some seem to think.

Again, THANK YOU. I needed this this weekend!

Two vigorous thumbs up!


a TRIUMPH for moderates!

Thank you, Ankh_Too, for expressing my thoughts so well!

A man who admitted toward the end of his life that the current conservatives of his party would find him too liberal. A victim of extremists.

I don’t know what to say to this. I’ve typed up three long-winded responses so far and have been rather dissatisfied with each of them. I need sleep. So I shall just say: just because you are sitting on the fence doesn’t mean you’re not in the other guy’s yard. Sorry, that just seems a rather obvious consequence of a clear ideological boundry.

Dammit what we need today are flaming hardline moderates. These wings want to fly in opposite directions, threatening to pull the bird apart.