I cant keep my eyes open. They’ve got me doing some excel spreadsheet crap at work. Everytime I look at it my eyes cross and I practicly nod off.
Anyone know some good tips for staying alert?
I cant keep my eyes open. They’ve got me doing some excel spreadsheet crap at work. Everytime I look at it my eyes cross and I practicly nod off.
Anyone know some good tips for staying alert?
Cold, lots of cold. Ice water, air conditioning, whatever you have got. Promise yourself when you have finished the task that you will go outside and warm up.
I wish I could help, but I have a similar problem. Caffeine, cold water in the face, holding off peeing: nothing seems to keep me awake. If only I didn’t have to operate heavy machinery. :D:D
Large doses of Methamphetamines seem to work. I haven’t nodded off since '81…
Good luck. Spreadsheets are a life sucker!