I am the ____ in the ____ of life.

I am the little plastic car in the board game of Life.

ladder, silk stocking

I am the… uh… SPOOFE in the… err… SPOOFE of life.

No, wait.


I am the Greedo in the Mos Eisley Cantina of life.

I am the Ozzel in the Death Squadron of life.

I am the Tauntaun in the Hoth of life.

scout1222, that also means no one can play without you.

I am the falling tree in the Zen koan of life.

I am the Milligan in the Puckoon of life.

I am the heretic in the cathedral of life.

I am the brown shoes in the tuxedo of life. (with apologies to George Gobel)

I am the price-to-earnings ratio in the performance report of life.

toilet, mansion

Everything around me beautiful, and I always get s*** on.

I am the semicolon in the grammar of life.

skidmark, skivvies

Irony; Alanis Morisette album.

I am the disaffected hero in the Dashiell Hammett novel of life.

I am the misplaced comma in the COBOL program of life.

I am the Prostrate examination in the yearly checkup of life.

[aside] props to widdershins for the George Gobel reference.[/aside]

dingleberry/hairy butt crack

which means: it’s just ALL bad…LOL

lying down on the job?:smiley:

I am the toast crumbs in the butter of life.

I am the chocolate chips in the cookie dough of life.

I am the NULL pointer in the linked list of life.

I am the plastic bag in the tree of life.


acid reflux/tummy

I am the Cheesecake in the Buffet of life.

I am the Down Comforter in the Log Cabin of life.


I am the second chair kazoo in the symphony of life.

I am the Xeroxed butt in the corporate fax of life.

I am the observant bystander in the crowded sidewalk of life.

I am the lint trap in the dryer of life.
I am the tooth-crunching crack in the Grape-Nuts of life.
I am the bottle of hand lotion in the bedroom of the single man of life.