I am the ____ in the ____ of life.

No, it’s more of a “bend over, you might feel some discomfort” on the job sort of thing. Yeah, and the Pope might be Catholic, too. Which is why I favor women doctors. Smaller fingers, ya know. :wink:
And besides, I figure she’s already seen more assholes than a Congressional page, so why should I be bashful?

One more: I am the “Cannot find server” message in the internet browser of life.

uh, Bumbazine - I was referring to the entertaining typo ? you said prostrate, not prostate?

I am the Cliff Notes in the Encyclopedia Galactica of Life.

I am the persistent blinker in the Florida Buick of life.

I am the stupendous queef in the Victorian sex of life.

I am the starter’s pistol in the Hamiltonian dual of life.

I am the Rodney Dangerfield in the Chippendale’s of life.

I am the hero in Marcie’s script of life.

As Linus Van Pelt once said about his sister Lucy, “Big sisters are the crabgrass in the lawn of life.”

I am the candy striper in the nursing home of life.

I am the construction zone in the highway of life.

(always getting in people’s way, it seems)

I am the sugar in the candy cane of life.

(on the other hand, I am always trying to help people)

I’m not prone to argue.

Ya got me Lurker, :eek: I didn’t even notice my mistake after your comment, I must be getting slow. Sorry.
waiter, could we have a slaps-forehead smilie over here please?

I am the malapropism in the spell checker of life.

I am the lettuce frag in the pearly smile of life.

I am so much the ontomontopia of the spelling bee of life that I can’t even figure out with a damn dictionary how to actually spell the effing thing.

I am the unidentifiable fried organ in the parts is parts snack box of life.


yw. :slight_smile:

I am the stain in the underpants of life.

do you mean onomatopoeia?

Main Entry: on·o·mato·poe·ia
Pronunciation: "ä-n&-"mä-t&-'pE-&, -"ma-
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek onomatopoiia, from onomat-, onoma name + poiein to make – more at POET
Date: circa 1577
1 : the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss)
2 : the use of words whose sound suggests the sense

  • on·o·mato·poe·ic /-'pE-ik/ or on·o·mato·po·et·ic /-pO-'e-tik/ adjective
  • on·o·mato·poe·i·cal·ly /-'pE-&-k(&-)lE/ or on·o·mato·po·et·i·cal·ly /-pO-'e-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

Courtesy of Merriam-Webster at http://www.m-w.com/netdict.htm

Oops, sorry about the simulpost, Simetra, but, dammit, I looked it up and all. Besides, everybody should have a link to an online dictionary, no?

I am the clutch hitter in the baseball game of life.