I asked you to do ONE FUCKING THING, and you couldn't even do that!

Thank you.

Do you have a link for that thread? I couldn’t find it.

I, er, also have to mention that I’m female. Just in case.

You’ve probably already tried this, but every time my cat Daisi got out I’d eventually find her by shaking a can of cat treats.
But then she was really crazy about them and recognized the sound. She’d always come running up salivating.

It’s just a cat, after all. Not the end of the world as we know it.


Let me add my “thanks”; it’s good to be reminded we have decent and honorable people serving over there (even though at the same time it’s also too bad to have the nice people over there in that mess). I lost a cat once; it was entirely my fault, too, so I couldn’t even get mad at anyone else (I stupidly let him escape while taking him to the car for a trip to the vet). Fortunately, a week or two later a nice lady two apartment complexes over who fed all the local strays saw one of the signs we put up, so there was a happy ending. I hope you find your kitty, too, and that you manage to stay safe and sane over there in Iraq.

YOu’re an asshole. It’s not your cat, it’s mine, and he’s lost. My best friend did this to me. So fuck off. It’s always easy to say, “It’s just____” when it’s not yours. It’s also the height of insensitivity.


Maybe if you had some perspective, you wouldn’t crash a thread just to ridicule someone else’s misery.

margin, got two kitties myself. Both have gone missing at one time or another. I always hit every house with a flyer, one of my cats was hiding behind a neighbours TV once. Got the number from the note i dropped earlier…
Another time, one came back when the other cat just sat on the windowsill and called. (BTW these are particularly stoopid cats)
Anyways, keep us posted and I’m wishing you all the best.

You need a pet detective! Fresh Air (NPR radio news show) had one on a few months ago and she gave some advice for finding missing pets. She said that the best way to retrieve cats, hands down, was a baited trap. Turns out a lot of indoor cats get freaky when they’re outdoors and hide. Even if they hear their owner’s voice, they won’t come out.

She has some good advice. Click on the link here and type in Kathy Albrecht and you can listen.


Hope kitty’s doing okay. :frowning:

margin, just adding my thanks. It’s attitudes like yours (that you’re doing the job you’ve been asked to do) that give our country hope.

Good luck with the kitty situation - I hope it turns out well.

margin, my four year old boy cat who had never been outside in his life unless it was in my arms or in a carrier got out while I was off visiting my fiance one weekend. He’d been missing for over 24 hours by the time I got home and no one could find him. I was devastated - I combed the neighborhood searching for him. We finally found him not 20 yards from home hiding in a sewer.

He very well could be in your yard, but terrified to come out. That’s how Oscar was. And he had one devastated mom for awhile - and I have never been so happy to see him. I think the litterbox idea is a fantastic one - also, look at night. That’s when we found Oscar both times - it’s harder to see them, but we found Oscar both times because we saw his eyes shining in the moonlight.

You have my best wishes that your kitty comes home to you soon. And I’ll add my own thanks to the chorus you’ve already had. You’re doing a good thing.


Why would anyone say such a thing? I don’t understand how anyone can think such a thing either, but why not at least keep it to yourself?

I’m sure you mean well, but your statement is a non-sequiter.

It’s not just a cat. It’s a friend, a companion, a dependent. It’s a part of one’s emotional being. You lose a pet and you lose a part of yourself.

Unless, of course, you’ve learned to deny your feelings, and therefore your humanity.

Imagine if you had a child, and your child got lost. You came here to talk about how upset you are and someone said

"It’s just a kid, after all. Not the end of the world as we know it.


Then you’d understand why people are pissed off.

Margin I really really hope you get rid of that “friend” and get your cat back. (I’m suddenly having a moment of gratefulness ’cos although I live in a pretty roten block of flats, and am not very sure re. the honesty of neighbours - I happen to be confident that a lost cat would be taken in, and I would be informed ASAP. Of course, a lot of us who have cats actually acquired said cat when it was lost outdoors, so strong views on t hiso are justifed.

Re. this “friend” - if she can behave like that about the poor kitty, then Og alone knows what other bad things she might do to your house. Noot a worry you need when in Iraq, I think. (Bending over backwards to be fair, OK, if she is such a neat freak, she maybe be unlikely to destroy your house…but, and I don’t see that you woudl want to trust her after this.)

Here’s hoping for a swift return of cat.

It’s completely understandable to be upset about losing a pet, but a cat or a dog is not a person… they’re only treated like people because society has decided to attach value to them. And why is it that many of the same people who place pets on the same level of compassion as other people feel no grief for the hundreds of thousands of cows, chickens, and pigs that live terrible lives and are slaughtered every day? What makes dogs and cats entitled to more respect, or alternately, makes those other animals deserving of less respect? There’s no real logic there.

Of course there is. Meaning is always assigned; it’s never a property inherent to the (insert noun here) itself.

That’s why marketing works.

If I had a pig as a pet (and I know people who have), I would be just as attached to it as I am to my dog. However, since I am at the top of the food chain, I don’t worry as much about my food animals. But it’s a hijack, so enough said.

And BTW, nice to see you skipped off onto another tangent instead of answering the posts directed at your last waste of bandwidth.

margin, thanks for doing a job so many can’t or won’t. My brother spent the better part of last year in Afghanistan with SF (counter-intel & some interrogations) and will be in Iraq this fall. Stay safe and race home at your earliest convenience!

Sweetie, how much leave have you got left?

Since as you pointed out we are at the top of food chain, any animal could in theory be a food animal. Do you think east Asians are bad people for eating dogs and cats?


Thank you, that’s all I wanted to know. I’m sorry I hijacked.