I believe I have discovered the worst “food” item in existence

Hey hey now! Runts were da shit back in the day, as candy…can’t imagine them as cereal though.

Grape-nuts, edible if you poured enough (cups of) sugar on them and then ate them quickly before they degenerated into a sticky, paste like mass

Runts cereal did exist. I think the box had two sections for different flavors. I had a much higher sugar tolerance when I was younger, so I didn’t hate it. But now I’m old, and I have to eat boring cereal that’s not fruit-flavored and full of sugar.

so no cracklin oat bran for you then cause it is or was chock o’block full of fat and sugar(probably not anymore, what with the transfat ban)

Behold katsu ika odori-don – dancing squid rice bowl. The squid is not alive but sure looks it.
Wiki article (safe)
Video (you have been warned)

wait wait wait! this slipped by me, when does old start and I have to give up the kid cereal? I really need to know cause i’m in my 50s now and I don’t want to miss an important deadline, bein all responsible and grown up and everything😉

I thought Grain Berry was particularly awful.

I’m 51 and still love the Monster Cereals. I consider maturity optional. :slight_smile:

I have always loved Grape-nuts, then and now, without sugar.

My favorite cereal was Product 19.

Worst food I’ve ever had was when I tried to make “bacon pie”; pecan pie with crumbled bacon substituted for the pecans.

What is the deal with Grape Nuts? It contains neither grapes nor nuts.

Or Durian Toast Crunch.

I have always liked bland foods just fine. Oatmeal, Kashi heart-to-heart, plain bran flakes, and shredded wheat are all fine with me. But Cheerios? They always taste like rancid oil. I can’t get the bite even into my mouth. I really don’t know how so many people eat that stuff.

The ‘grape’ is originally it contained grape sugar – not sure if it still does. The ‘nut’ is from the ‘nutlike’ texture of the zweiback granules.

It’s the only cold cereal I put sugar on.

I knew where the name came from. I was trying to inject some comedy into the thread. Thanks, I’ll be here all week. And be sure to try the Fruity Pebbles Crisps.

Okay. Ya got me.

A thread from 2004 on the virtues of 99 cent store canned octopus as a foodstuff along with my commentary on octopus I enjoy:

And a post from 2007 about a much better to eat octopus. Or at least to watch octopus being eaten.


I didn’t even like Fruity Pebbles as a kid. And that’s saying something bc I never turned my nose at a kids cereal.

Even Honeycomb, knowing full well it was going to destroy the roof of my mouth.

Honeycomb was nothing compared to Cap’n Crunch.

I thought this thread would be about vegemite. I so wanted to like it… :scream:

I have to assume that either the OP received a bad or spoiled product, or the company did a horrible job of replicating the taste of the cereal to the new snack. Because Fruity Pebbles were a true delight before my lactose intolerance kicked in.