Well, its done… wednesday at 11:20 I put my cat to sleep. The waiting was horrible… the act was sad. It was fast and it was painless. The Vet inserted and IV catheter and we spread out a sheet on the examining table and held him close to our hearts and petted him and told him we loved him. The Dr. emptied the syringe into the catheter quickly. Half way through he started going limp. The end I swear should have been had a sound to coincide with it. It was one instant alive, the next instant dead. Looking back on it I realized you could tell the exact millisecond that life left his body and his eyes went to glass. Everyone should go out of the world that fast and painlessly.
We wrapped him up in the sheet and took him home. We laid his body out in the courtyard and let the dogs out to sniff him and see. I placed his sheet wrapped body in the grave I had dug and covered him with dirt with my hands until he was no longer visible then I covered him the rest of the way using the shovel. At night I became sad that he was out in the dark alone and I felt silly.
We did what was best for Max but it was still hard.
Instead of more sympathies which I have received in full from my fellow doper friends (and I thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart… you are a kind hearted bunch). I want to do something a little different.
If you want to, mention something about your own pet… living or dead that made them special. Whats the coolest thing they ever did? Whats the most human thing they ever did? What would always bring a smile to your face. I will start.
My favorite memories of Max are watching him and my dog Buddy wrestle and fight and play. When I brought Buddy home as a puppy last year Max was bigger… they would play and one time I saw Max run and grab Buddy like a lion grabbing a gazzel and bite and hold his neck in the same way and drag him down. He then held him with Buddy not able to breath. I had to kick him off and Buddy got up choking and coughing. It was straight out of Wild Kingdom. Buddy got bigger however and the wrestling got even… Buddy would pull him accross the linolium by his scalp or ear… the cat flat on his back. They loved it.
The coolest thing I have seen Max do is this. I was sitting in the living room watching TV and he was sitting on a sterio speaker. I noticed him being very still… only his head moving… I then realized that he was following the movements of a fly very intently. for 10 -15 minutes that cat moved only his head and never looked away from the fly. Suddenly he jumped off the speaker ran halfway accross the livingroom and jumped straight into the air leaving the ground and caught the fly in his two front paws. He landed with a thump on his side because… well… he couldn’t let go of that fly! He then proceded to shove it in his mouth and eat it. I thought “Damn, thats about the coolest thing I have ever seen. I wish I could do that!” L
Feel free to share about what makes or made your pet so special or the neat things they have done.
This will be my last cat post.
Go hug your furry ones.