I can sew

Is there truly a need for folks at home to sew face masks for hospital workers?

I have fabric scraps.

I’m more than willing to help! Who do I talk to, what are the requirements?

I’m worried this will wind up being an Urban Legend, like saving pull tab rings for dialysis patients, or sweeping up hair on beauty shop floors to mop up the Gulf oil spill.

No, it’s real. See this New York Times article for some examples of people who are doing it. And they’re not just for hospital workers, but for police officers, firefighters, ambulance drivers, grocery store employees, funeral home staff, and UPS/FedEx drivers. Honestly, to me it’s a little unreal that in this age when everything is mass produced in vast quantities, that something so critical is in such short supply, but everything is unreal today.


From JoAnn Fabrics, based on info from medical experts. This is being used by sewing groups in our area, and the masks are acceptable for lower-risk medical procedures (thus reserving the commercial ones for the high-risk procedures).

As I recall, you live in Northern Arizona? If I am right, you could make them for Yavapai Regional Medical Center. I have also seen requests in the Phoenix and Flagstaff news. The link I posted is to the Prescott paper, and has a link for directions.

Actually, we’re in SCal right now. We came in December for Christmas, grandkids, and doctor appointments. Then in January, Mr VOW had a “Widowmaker” so he’s recuperating now.

I’ll make the masks for anyone who needs them!

I don’t sew much these days because of my neck, but hey, anything I can do would help, right?

I was thinking of sewing some for the Animal shelter workers and the Women’s shelter. Just so they wouldn’t catch something volunteering. Or spread something.
I’m just not sure it would help.
I did send some of my stockpiled TP to the Women’s shelter. They put out a email saying they were in dire need.

Sunflower spends a lot of time at her sewing machine. She makes beautiful quilts. There was a call from the local Medical Center for volunteers to repair torn scrubs. They should drop off a bundle for repair in the next few days.

From the times article: “A lot of our elderly population in particular want to help,” said Amy Towner, who runs the Health Care Foundation for Ventura County, which is working with a group of about 150 volunteer sewers. “In World War II, women were making bullets to protect our country. Now, they are at their sewing machines.”

If you would like information on how to help provide more mask, or donations of PPE, you can email Amy Towner (Amy.towner@ventura.org).

I landed a job at a grocery store riiiiiiiiiight as all this started. Frankly I thank my lucky stars, additional risk be damned, since it means I keep earning a trickle of income.

Thanks to this thread, and the post specifying grocery workers, I just texted my mother asking if she’d make me a couple of masks. Heck, I bet I can get her to make some for the whole damn store.