I can't believe I'm starting the MMP

Howdy Y’all! Mowage got accomplised, followed by Miller Time, followed by nappage. All in all not a bad day. I had activity, beer, and sloth. We et up the leftovers for sup. Thus has been Labor Day at da cave.

Mooooom, your daughter and niece’s overlapping pregnancies remind me of my baby sister and my niece’s. They overlapped the first time and both miscarried, then overlapped two more times and carried to term. Baby Sis went on to have one more after that, but the niece said two was enough.

oopsie, I got a bite at the dog park this afternoon, even though I had bug spray on. I put a bit of anbesol on it and so far, am not itching.

My friend came over this morning after delivering his son to his job at Kroger and got the printer all set up. Apparently, not all of the drivers that were supposed to downloaded, did. After, we sat out on the patio with coffee and talked. It was good to hang out with him for a while.

SIL called while I was at the dog park today. We’re going to get together Saturday for a ramble and lunch.

Fixing to do KP since I’ve eaten supper, then continue binge watching Modern Marvels and playing in the studio.

New to this board, so apologies in advance if I don’t do it right. Left coast of Canada, beautiful day, no smoke from forest fires. Cut down the grape vines on our balcony (no grapes again; maybe next year) and now winterizing is done. Starting to get side effects from radiation treatment, but I’ve had worse from bad “Chinese” food in a food court, a vice of mine. Grabbin’ the glee with both hands wherever I find it! Delighted that humming birds hang around our “water feature” on the apartment balcony!

Next time might want to say “I got a bug bite at the dog park…” yah know? For a few seconds I was worried a doggie had bitten you and that rarely bodes well.

Need clarification. Is it left coast as in standing down south in the US and looking north?

And :us: *Happy Labor Day to all :us: while I’m at it, regardless of where you are.

Welcome, Kropotkin! Glad you’re here and hope you return often! How far up the coast are you? [Turns north and waves]

I’ve also been shopping for my birthday present–only two more weeks, and I don’t want to send myself a Belated Birthday card! :slight_smile: Since my contact lens is going to be so much cheaper than planned, I’ve decided to get a new armchair for the living room. Aaargh! My sofa is a soft, pale yellow, and I have a sage green armchair. I want a pattern that incorporates yellow and green. Hah! SO hard to find! So far I have looked (online or in person) at

Big Lots
World Market
used furniture store
classified ads

I can’t afford to spend a whole lot, but I’ve only found 2 that fit the bill, and both have iffy reviews.

Oopsie, hope the :musical_note: Itchy and Scratchy Show ends soon.

FCM, glad FCD is doing so much better.

Nut, yay on the good housing news!

Cookie, when are you taking us all to lunch? :slight_smile: :moneybag: :money_with_wings:

Shoe, if the only people who love you are on the Dope, then I guess we really ARE the smartest, wisest, most discerning people around! :slight_smile: :green_heart:

It cleared up for the afternoon, so mowage achieved. The new (to me) mower is really fast, so it only took about 20 minutes, including the push mower bits. Now pondering sparking up the grill for a burger and corn vs leftover chili from last night. I feel since it’s labor day I should grill, but it’s quite breezy out and I kinda don’t wanna.

FCM Glad FCD is doing better.
Nut Good on the housing.
nellie Happy early birthday, and good luck on the furniture search.
Welcome Kropotkin I’m fairly new here in the MMP, but I’ve found it 's a nice place filled with nice people.

Have you tiptoed through IKEA’s site? No pattern with yellow and green, but lots of green. IKEA gives good value, IME.

Well, gosh, thanks everyone! Yes, even Canadians call BC the Left Coast, in part for a more or less undeserved reputation for left wing politics. I’m around Vancouver, so pretty south, like most people in Canada.

Boo waves at @Kropotkin :wave:t3::wave:t3::wave:t3::wave:t3::wave:t3: (Just a bit south, in the beautiful prairies of Nebraska. 9 degrees of latitude south~I sweated over asking Siri how many degrees. Now I have to go rest up).

Howdy, neighbour!

kropotkin, welcome aboard. Sounds like you can wave across the border to nellie and flyboy. We’ll come up with a nickname for you later.

Got to work, found out we get time-and-a-half for holiday pay. Woooot! :partying_face: Promptly improved my mood.

I didn’t care what they asked me to do, all I could think was, “Dude, I’m getting extra money today. I will do whatEVER you want.”

Trash taken out? On it. Dish pit? You got it, boss.

(God, I’m kind of a whore, aren’t I?)

Pretty filthy by the time I got home, but now I’m showered, some much-needed laundry is started (and a reminder set so my dumb ass doesn’t forget to put it into the dryer) and I’m contemplating dinner.
We get a meal half-price if we work a full shift. I’m thinking I may treat myself to some half-off ribs, if they haven’t run out yet tonight.

Most importantly @Kropotkin, do you have pets? We’ll need pictures of course.

Unless you count the hummingbirds we feed, water, and provide a shower for, no pets. We decided 20 years ago we couldn’t stand to lose another one. We are aunt and uncle to many dogs: “you gave Finnegan HOW MANY treats?! He was only there an hour!”

Um, do I have to get a nickname?

Welcome. You have now been assimilated. “One of us, one of us. We accept you, one of us.” :laughing:

We’re very random in the MMP, so as long as you’re not picking fights with people (do that in the Pit, please), you’re doing it right, pretty much.

Well, wound up voting today (recalling moron governor is officially on the 14th, but early voting is an option at some polling places, so we did that. Also got some fruit (needed apples and bananas) and had lunch at Chick-Fil-A, which now has dine-in again. Another step closer to normality. I approve. They do need to sort out their traffic lane organization in the parking lot, but the nice young man I mentioned it to said they’re working on it. Having the exit lane crossing an entrance lane doesn’t work too well, IMO.

Got DH to take out garbage, laundry/dishes/catbox current enough. Only remaining agenda item is watching that movie I checked out from the library.

last night was interesting as nephew came over and spent the night as he does on the weekends but he has allergies/a cold … and was up and down at night and since he’s of the chosen family and farts Goldust and rides a unicorn upon the golden path … his disabled aunt who is about the same mental lvl he is gets passive-aggressive … but I felt for the poor kid because he couldn’t stop sneezing and having his nose run so I gave him some kids benadryl and he went to sleep while trying to keep her quiet …

ooh watch out on that because a lot of the bagged salads are getting recalled due to listeria and other icks … especially at walmarts and costcos…

this reminds me of when decades ago I and mom accidentally stole a recipe book (not really a book more like the ones you see by the registers at say Walmart or target)called “Pillsbury secrets of pie baking” it was in a boxed end display and had "free " on it … .so we took one… what we didn’t notice was they were free … If you bought two premade in the tin pie crust sets that they were next too…

And they have a good-tasting recipe for a chicken salad pie with almonds thing … .which at 12 years old was the first time I had grapes in a salad or pie… ill have to see if I could nick a link to it on the web …

Yes, we’ve discovered other than lettuce a few vegetables, and bananas they ***do not *** know how to pick produce…asking for avocados to be delivered is a huge mistake
which you know for people living in CA .is strange because I don’t eat them and even I know how to pick them out …

Riffing off of Peter Kropotkin could be rough. Dude was a true Renaissance Man.

Hummingbird pictures are acceptable. We’re a pack/clowder/flock/name-your-collective of animal lovers here. I have a cat and a bird myself. Yes, that final vet trip (or finding that someone moved on unassisted) hurts, but I can’t imagine not having some little creature around after 52 years of being owned by assorted furry and feathery types.

Trying to figure out why the dove is using her food dish as a nest.

Not from me, but check further with nellie, swampy and Moooom.

AKA @nelliebly, @swampbear and @FairyChatMom, they’re the pack leaders.

You got something against nicknames?? We could always just call you NoNick… :wink:

We have a connection, tenuous if you stretch it, but here ya go - Kyuquot.
The first boat my husband and I bought. I commissioned this for him from an artist friend of ours. It was a 1937 gaff-rigged cutter that was built on the left coast and ended up in Florida where we bought it just after we got married. I don’t know if it was built in BC or if the builder just liked the name.

FCD has gone to bed already, and I’ll be heading back in short order. I have an alarm set for his 11PM meds, and other than that, I’m hoping I sleep solidly. It’s been a long day. I need my beauty sleep.