Both dogs are sacked out and snoring next to me. Went into the kitchen to get some crackers and two of three cats are asleep. Kitten woke up when she saw me, but didn’t follow me back to bed.
I’ve read. I’ve surfed. I’ve eaten crackers. I’ve lain quietly in the dark. Now I’m posting. I don’t have to get up early or anything, but I would like to sleep. I guess I could go to the 24-hour Walmart. Nah…that’s not a good idea.
Ok. Back to lying in the dark listening to the contented doggies dreaming. Mundane and pointless, that’s me.
I also have a snoring beagle sacked out next to me, looking disgustingly comfortable all belly-up with one leg twitching.
He and I have to move again tomorrow, so it’s probably the anxiety over that getting to me.
24-hour wal-mart in the middle of the night is actually kind of fun. In a sort of creepy way. But I’m not doing that tonight. Maybe I’ll go listen to old This American Life episodes from the archive on the website.
Tell me about this ‘sleep’ you speak of. I have heard of this, but I do not think I’ve experiended it. I do occasionally lose conciousness for an hour or two, but I’ve heard this happens to some people all through the night. Every night too, according to many. Am I just being whooshed about this?
Thanks, y’all. Doggies in the bed with me. They don’t mind how much I fidget or how many times I turn on the light. Finally fell asleep around 5 am. See you tonight, maybe?
Fuck. Slept from midnight to about 3:45, then woke up in a panic attack. That hasn’t happened in many months. Took a xanax, now pacing the length of my house back and forth, waiting for it to kick in. Logic doesn’t touch it. Rats.
I’m sorry you’re having trouble sleeping. I’ve had some serious insomnia the past few nights myself, so if it comes back tonight I’ll come look for you.
In my case, it’s stress-related and possibly pain-medication-related. I don’t sleep with my feline beasts, because they’d be likely to keep me up by walking on my boobs and putting their tails in my face.