I can't suspend my disbelief that far

I just watched Frontier(s). I can suspend my disbelief far enough for

The incestuous cannibalistic Nazi family, the brainwashed kidnapped chick, and all the other completely unbelievable stuff.

I can not accept the psycho Nazi father thinks that a baby born to a Muslim woman, fathered by a Muslim man is going to purify the bloodline. Why was he so happy to find out she was pregnant? Why did he even want to use her in the first place?! SHE WAS MUSLIM!!! He said himself that she wasn’t pure. So how is any baby coming out of her going to be pure?
I could have accepted all the other silliness if not for that. Instead, it’s just a movie with subtitles and a massive amount of blood.
Oh well.

congodwarf, I hope you don’t mind, but I added some space before the first spoiler, so it doesn’t show up in the mouse over preview from the forum front page.

I recently saw a trailer for the new season of Batman Brave & Bold involving Bats and other heroes battling Starro and some other villain. I can buy a giant alien starfish taking over people’s minds, and various other super related antics. But sorry, I can’t buy that Batman, even with his years of training, could survive a super villain smashing his head into concrete hard enough to break the concrete. Train as hard as you want, Batman, there is no exercise you can do that will protect your facial bones from an impact that is hard enough to smash concrete.

Really weak concrete, sure. Was it old?

I can suspend my disbelief enough to believe that cyborgs time travel from the future to kill people, but the t-1000 liquid metal stuff, turning into the floor, walking through doors, is just too unbelievable

And an extra-strong cowl.

Thanks! I forgot about that.

Funny you should mention that. In this same movie I saw this morning,

Blond and brunette psycho inbred Nazi chicks both get blown up in what I assume is a gas tank being shot explosion. They are both very clearly standing right in front of the tank and both are very clearly engulfed in flames. However, not 5 minutes later, blondie is alive and well and not even slightly singed. Was that just bad editing? Did they forget she had been in the explosion as well?

Blond and brunette psycho inbred Nazi chicks

That’s hot. Did you see their tits?


Very possibly. Ya know, I don’t remember. There was a possible scene but the subtitles were unnecessary and I took the opportunity to make some tea.

It’s the Goddamned BATMAN!


Well, if he was prepared, he would’ve snuck up to that piece of concrete the night before and weakened its internal structure with a hypo full of Bat-Acid™.


A wooden ship crashes into a gigantic stone statue. The wooden ship is scratched up a bit, but is still probably seaworthy. The stone statue does not come off so well.

I’ve said this before, but the place where Indiana Jones lost me was in The Temple of Doom, where they survive the fall from the plane in a life raft, they survive another fall into a river. I’m sorry – they should all have multiple broken bones, including spines, after that treatment. I’ll accept a movie with supernatural demons in an old gold-covered wooden box, but I draw the line at high falls without injury.
In the last of the Indiana Jones adventures, they lost me at the magnetic gunpowder, then had to drive the nail in with Indy surviving getting tossed around inside a lead-lined refrigerator.

Similarly, in the Peter Jackson remake of King Kong, there’s an action-packed battle between Kong and a pair of Tyrannosaurs. Now, giant apes fighting dinosaurs, I can get behind. Hell, it’s pretty much why I wanted to see the movie. But the way Kong throws Ann Darrow around willy-nilly should have crushed her bones into paste. She literally takes fifty-foot falls that are abruptly stopped by two tons of ape forearm. At the end of the battle, Kong should have looked down at his hand only to find semi-recognizable human remains.

Oh who cares? If I want to watch people do shit that’s possible, I’ll go outside.

well, i want to see people do things that are possible with plunging planes, life rafts, dinosaurs, and giant apes, myself.

Can you throw in a pony, too?

Office building ventilation systems big enough to crawl through.

Holding a lighter under one sprinkler head flooding the entire building.

Gas tanks, propane tanks, hydrogen tanks, scuba tanks, etc, that explode when a bullet hits them.

C’mon, you know how corrupt Gotham is. The construction company probably replaced it with paper mache and sold the real concrete to supervillains to build death traps and secret lairs with.