I.d. a Made-for-tv western, similar to "3 Godfathers"...?

I was just wondering if anyone could help me identify a TV-movie western I saw a few years ago…The story went something like: A band of young male Outlaws (With hearts of gold, 'natch) steal a carriage from an East Coast city in 19th century America, heading out west. But they don’t realize, until they’ve gotten a fair distance, that the carriage also contained either an infant or very young child (My memory’s pretty hazy). For some reason, the bandits decide to raise the child themselves, kind of like a “kid sister,” and years later, the child-come-young woman finds out that she’s the daughter of some rich family, back east. Followed by plucking of heartstrings, and musings of the nature of “family,” etc, etc.

So, from my way too vague description, can anyone tell me which movie this was?

Well, thanks for your time,


It doesn’t sound familiar to me, but I tried a word search at IMDB using various combinations of western, outlaws, abduct, child, girl, and raise. No luck. Sorry.

Well, thank you for checking, Nemo. 'Much obliged.