I dearly love the Nields.

Today has been an excellent day. It’s Green Key Weekend at Dartmouth, which is basically a glorified party of the highest degree. Good music, good entertainment, good drink- that sort of thing.

My illustrious fraternity hosted Nerissa and Katryna Nields this afternoon. That they are pretty much my favorite group and that I am one of the officers of my house is not a coincidence.

I’ve seen them twice before, but the thrill this time was really above and beyond. They were playing in my backyard. I organized this. The Keening Wail was spreading over Main Street. It was a spectacular concert, and I got to spend a fair bit of time hanging out with them. I win!

For those of you who have never heard of them, they are quite the excellent folk duo. Go listen already.

Anyone else a fan?

At first glance, I thought this thread was praising those Robert Carradine/Anthony Edwards movies.

I saw the thread title and thought to myself “Oh look, another Nields fan…wait, it’s just Andy.”

Deeply envious, BTW.

JUST me? I feel unloved.

I’m so not going to show you my signed poster now. Or the pictures.

And I thought it was about John Nields, one of Ollie North’s inquisitioners during the Iran-Contra hearings.

I try to go to the Philadelphia Folk Festival every year, and they often play there. They’re the ONLY band I make an effort to see…well, them and Arlo Guthrie. They put on a great live show, and Nerissa and Katryna are two of the nicest people I have ever met. I’m afraid of the mob scene that will be there this year with Ani DiFranco playing Fest, but I will brave it if the Nields are there.

Sounds like a great show, andygirl; I wish I could have been there.

Oh, wait…