I graduated from Law School last May. My wife and I decided that Wyoming (where I went to school) wouldn’t be the best state to look for a job, so we picked up and moved to Arizona (Go D-Backs!).
I took the bar in July, and unfortunately failed by 2 points. (Not that I’m that dumb, mind you. I did well in College, and did pretty good in Law School. The bar exam is damned hard.) Nonetheless, I contacted several Law Firms about possibly hiring me. Apparently, with the recession we’re in, no one can afford an intern.
So I thought, in order to pay the rent and put food on the table, I’d go back to doing the work that paid my way through College. I worked with Developmentally Disabled Adults for about two years, and I really enjoyed it.
I contacted a company that does such work, and got a job interview. I was told during the interview that 1) I didn’t really have enough experience (which isn’t true), and 2) with a law degree, I likely wouldn’t stick around, or rather, I would leave what ever department I was in to be swiftly promoted to better and better positions (heaven forbid). However, they would consider me nonetheless.
Today I got a call, telling me that I didn’t have enough of the right kind of experience. They wanted someone with extensive experience in direct care, which I have done, to some extent.
This wouldn’t burn me as much as it does if the gentleman interviewing me hadn’t said that my lack of experience could be easily remedied after hiring me. That is, I would gain the necessary experience on the job. This leads me to believe that they didn’t hire me because of my education.
I wish that this was just an isolated incident, but I’ve contacted other companies that don’t want to hire me because of my education. Law firms don’t want me because I failed the bar, and other companies don’t want me because I would likely leave when I do pass the bar, which, in all honesty, is a valid concern. I likely would leave if a better job came along.
God, I really don’t want to work at Pizza Hut again, but we’re running out of money.
BTW, I put this in MPSIMS because it’s really more of a whine than a rant.
So send me some of that good mojo, fellow Dopers. Stroke my belly and tell me that everything will be okay.