He was addressing the people who’ve sacrificed a good part of their lives over the past five years to help elect him. Chris Hayes’ brother, who ran Obama’s Nevada campaign, but who also basically worked shit jobs, for low pay, organizing campaign workers to do frustrating low-level work for the past five years, was typical of the people Obama thanked–why wouldn’t he be grateful to them? Because “grateful” isn’t in your vocabuilary?
I know this accusation has been made and repeated infinitely often on right-wing sites. However, the administration has denied it and there is no evidence that such video was even possible.
Snopes.com unilaterally calls the accusation false.
The rest of your rant falls apart after this.
You’ll find that posting glurge that’s already been debunked on Snopes is a poor way to start a post around here, no matter what your ideological persuasion is.
You’re a fucking moron if you think Benghazi is anything but a bunch of right-wing retards dragging some corpses thought the mud in an effort to find something, anything to make Obama look bad.
The OP be trolling but I’m going to respond anyway because I hear shit like this all the time here in Texas.
Seriously, for the past two months(?) now people have been making hay over these four Americans that died in Benghazi.
Yes, this is bad. But where the hell is peoples butt hurt over the 2000+ soldiers that have died in the two wars that were started on Bush’s watch?
It’s great to have compassion for our fallen Americans, but seriously, some people need to learn to put things in perspective.
Five days later and the butthurt morons are still screeching their butthurt all over the interwebs. Where are the mass suicides? I was promised mass suicides!*
Dear mods, please note that I am not endorsing or suggesting mass suicide. I’m just askin’ questions.