I don't know about you , but my xgf was prone to call me sweetheart

is that an unusual thing? apparently it is, if you watched the first 5 minutes of Liebermen ass kissing the audience. Was that supposed to be a joke? I don’t get it. If you notice, Gore also took time away from his debate to do some puff puff to the audience’s second pair of cheeks. no wonder his makeup was so messed up. this is getting too much; I can handle one politician up my butt, but not two in the same week. I might begin to like this sort of thing, and the girl I’m starting to date might not appreciate that.

(and, no, I didn’t watch the rest of the debate. Who cares about the future Veep?)


the VP debate?
When I heard Lieberman start with: “I want to thank you for moderating…” I heard Eddie Haskell saying “Thank you, Mrs. Cleaver” and I decided it was time to go read.
I hate politics…

Debate? There was a debate on? I was glued to “Gone in the Night” or some such drivel on Lifetime.

“Television for Women”

Seriously, though, what is really the point of the VP candidates debating? Honestly, I’m not being facetious. I really don’t see the point.