Today I went back to high school. That is, I paid a visit to my dear old alma mater, CHHS. Or, as I like to think of it, The Sucking Hellhole Which Consumed 4 Years of My Life.
It was odd. I felt myself stiffening as I walked in the door and kept on waiting for someone to yell at me. I walked in to the tail end of choir practice. That’s the only way that I could tell that things had changed in my absence- the tenor section just isn’t the same without me.
Quietgirl was happy to see me :D, as were several friends. I wasn’t popular in high school- being female, smart, gay, and loudmouthed never was a good combo- but it was great to swap notes with my fellow theater rats. This year the Thespians are doing an all-white, no-talent production of Fame. [sub]I’m exaggerating. Not much.[/sub]
The way people treated me was strange, though. I was a College Student[sub]TM[/sub]. I had this great, snarky urge to inform everyone that no, their SATs don’t matter once they get out. Nor does much else.
The whole thing was just interesting. <hugs college> I’m so glad I’m out of there.