You know, I had a crush on you in High School...

In high school, I was a drama geek. I didn’t play any sports, I was in chorus, and on the paper, but that was it. I assumed that people thought I was a fairly forgettable, although loud and annoying, person.

A mere three years later, I find out at [ul][li]Was approached by my school’s version of Brandon Walsh in a college class we were taking together. He asked me if I was a big toker in high school. I’ve smoked ONCE in my life, and when I drink, it’s never to excess. However, I figure toker is better than drama geek,[/li][li]I was informed by a friend I still talk to that the captain of the soccor team had a crush on me, and now that I look back on it, it is quite possible. When I questioned her on why she didn’t point this out WHILE we were in high school, she said “I did, and you had pretty much the same reaction you’re having now.”[/li][li]I work two towns over from the town I went to school in. While attempting to steal food from a function room located across the hall from my office, one of the waiters stopped me, and asked me if I went to SBHS. Turns out this guy transfered at the end of my sophmore year, and STILL remembered me. He was one of the bad-ass cool kids that us drama geeks were afraid of.[/ul][/li]
Anyone else have experiances like this? I am beginning to think my rep was a lot cooler than I actually was…

Yeah, I’ve had experiences like that. I was a music/band geek in high school, and never considered myself particularly popular. I remember when I was about a junior, a guy who was on the fringes of the popular jock crowd asked me out, and that surprised the hell out of me. I wasn’t particularly interested in him since he was a complete moron, but I went out with him simply because it was a novel experience. At one point, he told me “there’s always at least one guy in the jock crowd who has a big crush on you at any given time.” Once again, I had no clue.

There’s also one guy who was of the good grades/semi jock crowd who would always talk to me in all my classes. When I look back on it, I think he really liked me. At one point I remember there was a “twirp” dance, where the girl was supposed to ask the guy out rather than vice-versa. He practically oozed hints that he wanted me to ask him. Of course, I never realized this until 5 years after high school. He was a really nice guy, but he was solidly in the “too popular for me” crowd, at least in my mind.

I think that I was a lot more popular than I thought I was at the time, not that I thought I was particularly unpopular. I just didn’t think I was in the “in” crowd.

Nope. Kind of a loser then, and nobody has yet come forth to suggest otherwise. Of course, when I think back on the “cool kids”, I imagine that I am far better off than they. At least I got out of town.

I’ve had a similar experience, only mine was from a graduate program since I haven’t seen anyone I went to high school with in years.

I dropped out of my first attempt at grad school because I realized that I didn’t really want a degree in playwriting… I realy felt like I didn’t fit in, and suspected no one would remember me once the door shut behind me.

Well, just these past few weeks I decided to look up some of my old drama connections for an article I was working on, and they were all very glad to hear from me and had missed me! Whaddaya know! It’s a nice feeling :slight_smile:

Gamera is really neat, he is full of turtle meat, we’ve been eating Gam-er-aaaa…

I ran into a guy that I went to H.S. with on Saturday. At first I pretended like I didn’t remember him from school though, just to make him feel like a dick. Then we started talking and I told him I was divorced and had two kids and he said that I hadn’t changed a bit, and I still looked really good, and how he really wanted to date me our Senior year and he wished he would have asked me out back then, etc., etc.

I’ve had several guys say this to me. Back in H.S. they all thought I was a snobby little bitch I guess and were scared to ask me out. That’s fine though because I didn’t date H.S. guys so I probably would have turned them down.

That John Denver’s full of shit man!

A guy I worked with at a video store who was DROP DEAD gorgeous (what a smile…I could have looked at those eyes forever), and had a great personality pulled one of these on me. I had NO idea that he ever looked at me twice. We always got along just fine, but nothing ever went on between us.

A few years later, I had back surgery. A mutual friend worked at the same place he did, and mentioned it to him. She said he just freaked out- couldn’t get enough info out of her. All about how I was, what happened, where could he send a present, etc.

When she told me I was sure she was full of shit, but lo and behold, I got a big beautiful vase of flowers delivered with a mushy card. (Much to the chagrin of my first husband).

Who knew?? :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: )

“If I had to live your life, I’d be begging to have someone pop out both my eyes. Just in case I came across a mirror.” - android209 (in the Pit)
Voted “Most Empathetic”- can you believe that?

I found out that when I was in HS there was a rumor that I was gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Wrong thinking is punished, right thinking is just as swiftly rewarded. You’ll find it an effective combination.

Real nice Rachelle… sounds like you actually were (and are) a snobby little bitch…

Oh… I don’t date guys my own age… my shit smells like roses… blah blah blah…

AWB: I knew everyone thought I was gay in high school. My best friend had a tounge ring , I had a pair of vinyl leather-like pants, and I didn’t pretend to be stupid. (see Gaydar) That might explain why the soccer boy didn’t ask me out…

I was the shy unassuming type in high school (read that: No self esteem in school, but bucket full of it outside the walls of my alma mater.) I was into volleyball and lived and breathed the sport, even though the other girls on my team were very clique-ish.

Anywhooo: There was a guy I had a massive crush on, Mike B, popular, intelligent, a gentleman through and through. I must have had big ol puppy dog eyes on him every time he came into the room, but ::::sigh:::he never noticed me on that level. On graduation day, as we were turning in our cap and gowns, he came over and gave me a big hug and spun me around in his arms and said something about always having a crush on me. ARGH. I’m so dense.

OTOH, I ran into the guy who was my arch nemisis his high school ( and elementary) he teased me EVERY day about my name. It was the same broken record for about six years.(I developed much of my quick and biting wit because of this guy and I suppose I should thank him.)

The guy was such a spaz, yet incredibly, was very popular. He had about as much depth as a puddle of urine. (He was voted in the mock elections as Class Spaz.) Which gives you the reason why I’d rather be by myself than hang with the people who actually like pricks like this.

Ran into him about eight years ago, of all places, the Fisher Theater downtown Detroit seeing the play Ziegfield Follies. I was sitting there with Hubby-to-Be and I heard this guys voice. I could be 100 and never forget his voice. I said to Hubby,

“Remember the stories I would tell you about the dick in high school who constantly made fun of my name? He’s in the row behind us, a couple people over.”

When the intermission came and we passed him exiting our row, he recognized me immediately and I stuck out my hand (being the lady I am),and did the howyadoin’ stuff, before ending it with,
“Still have a problem with premature ejaculation?”

Yeah, that felt good.

I haven’t seen anyone else since high school and frankly, I don’t care to.

story of my life. Happened twice with people in high school, but the worst was in college. I was head over heels for this woman and I never dreamed she was interested in me (even though in retrospect it is painfully obvious–duh!). So, six months later a friend of hers told me this while I was driving a car, expecting that it was common knowledge and completely obvious to me, and I nearly caused a pileup. I wanted to beat my head on the steering wheel I felt so dumb. Thinking about her still makes me nuts.

ooooh, Shirley, I like. There was this one ass-face who would constantly rag on me (drama queen), my friend who has a cleft pallet and is overweight, and a Chinese exchange student who I bonded with over our common hatred of the ass. She would look at him, and in a heavily accented voice go “Daaan, shu’ up. Yo sooooo stuuuupiiid.” I can’t WAIT to see him pumping gas some day.

Funny, I don’t remember saying my shit smells like roses and I don’t see anything wrong with choosing not to date guys my own age! I was/am a very shy person and my shyness tends to come off as snobbiness. As for being a bitch… only when people like you make stupid comments about something/someone you know nothing about! So kiss my ass!

That John Denver’s full of shit man!

Libby can vouch for me on this one :smiley:

I was a complete band fag in high school. I was in marching, symphonic, and jazz bands. Now that I’m a rock star, :smiley: I run into alot of classmate who used to be real assholes in HS, and they act like we’re friends or something…I hate that!

…Ska and Punk never tasted so good together!

This is quite timely! I also ran into someone from high school on Saturday, but the circumstances were VERY bizarre. This is the story:

I went to a concert on Saturday and got really, really drunk. (This knowledge will explain my future behavior, I hope) After the concert, a friend and I went to a fast food walk up window in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

We were being really disorderly and started to tease the young man behind us in line. I asked him why he was standing in line at 3 am by himself. He explained that he was getting food for his friends that were sitting in a van. He pointed to the van. I asked, “Why are you the bitch”? and stormed over to the van to inquire why he was the bitch. Normally, I wouldn’t approach a strange van at 3 am in the middle of Brooklyn, but hey, like I said, I was loaded.

I instruct the passenger to roll down the window. Before I can say anything, he says, “Hey, I know you from high school!” He knew my name, the school I attended in Wisconsin 10 years ago, everything. I didn’t remember him.

I was totally shaken and shocked and extremely embarassed. But we’re going to hang out sometime, so maybe I made a new friend.

You’re right… you didn’t talk to him, just to make him feel like a dick. You’re so misunderstood! I feel terrible.

I believe I said that

I pretended like I didn’t remember him

. I never said I didn’t talk to him. We talked for quite a while actually… so what’s the problem?

That John Denver’s full of shit man!

First of all, this post is really just shameless gloating at the compliments you received. Secondly, you tried to deceive him in order to lower his self esteem. Do you really need to ask me what’s wrong with that?

Hey. No fighting in my thread. Now, let’s all hold hands and sing Kumbayaa.

Interpret my post any way you want to. Next time I’ll give you the verbatim version and a bio on everyone involved o.k. You weren’t there, you didn’t hear the conversation, you don’t know me and you don’t know him so let’s just forget it.

::grabbing SwimmingRiddles hand::

Kum ba yah, my Lord,
Kum ba yah,
Kum ba yah, my Lord,
Kum ba yah,
Kum ba yah, my Lord,
Kum ba yah,
Oh, Lord, Kum ba yah. :slight_smile:

That John Denver’s full of shit man!