I dropped my pickle!

Son of a BITCH! I just dropped my pickle on the floor and it rolled under the desk! I didn’t even get one damn bite.

You only had one pickle?
And btw that was so mild I think it would be better suited to MPSIMS.
The rant, not the pickle.

You’re lucky you still have your paper bag…

Yeah, drop the “bitch” and this has MPSIMS written all over it.

I’m just surprised you didn’t go postal. Unless you did.

So grab your pickle, rinse it off, and enjoy.

Think of all the people in third world countries who’d love your dirty pickle.

This is digressing quickly-that is all.

I’m just here to remark, that up to this point, the participants in this thread reads like a cast of characters from a campy sword and sorcery movie.

“Lord Ashtar, having rebuked the novice Zoid, did fix his gaze upon Zeldar the Partially-Chaste. “Your pickle too shall roll,” he hissed as he unsheathed his sword, “lest your codpiece proves more formidable than it looks.””

Am I too late to be the token Dragon? I dunno if I can breathe fire, but I did just have some microwave enchiladas.

Zoid, man, have you never heard of the ten-second rule? You shoulda grabbed that thing while it was still legally edible.

I know it wasn’t a proper flame-out but the only reason I posted it is because I can’t yell “FUCK!” at work.

And I respectfully submit that if you saw the floor here you would agree the 10 second rule does not allpy.

You may not be able to BREATHE fire, but I’m willing to bet that you’ll be able to emit flames from another orifice shortly, if I know nuked enchiladas.

Tom Wombat, the skittish Halfling, had just ducked under a nearby bush to avoid the fray - when the Pernicious Dragonblink trod mightily upon him. Had he seen the wee creature, the Pernicious Drake might have opted reduce him to a pile of ash; but no matter for Tom Wombat, who lies in a misshapen puddle underneath a Thornberry bush.

Enter the Fairly Maiden, Lynn of Bodini… complete this chapter at your own peril.

Ten-second rule? Wow! I’ve always lived by the far more cruel three-second rule. I shudder to think of all of the uneaten food in my life that, looking back, would have been within that 7 second lapse. If only I had known!

At least a dropped pickle can be salvaged by rinsing it off, even if it means washign away the outer coating of pickle juice. When you drop things like ice cream, there’s no getting it back once gravity takes over. Might as well just let it melt and let the damn ants feed off of it. Damn, I hate when that happens.

Ice cream is salvagable if you pick it up right. About the only thing you can’t reclaim peanut butter, cause its a “lifter”. And some liquids.

I scream, you scream, we all kill kittens for ICE CREAM!

Ah… but cannot one slurp up spilled coffee or beer from one’s desk? Hmmm?
And Zoid, maybe your pickle wasn’t quite dead yet.


Oh dear god…it’s the filthiest thing ever typed.

And in civilized society it’s a thirty second rule.

I just dropped my pickle…
A concern that I don’t think is fickle…
and though the floor makes me sick…
I just want a taste of my yummy pick… le…

Arlo Guthrie is rolling in his family room :smiley:

Danger! You haven’t seen the last of me!