I failed an exam in numeracy and IT, great just frigging great, my family aint no help either, and well, I’ll prolly fail the other tests too, Competitive Business and Finance… the fact is I feel like a loser and I’ll probably get people saying ‘yes but it passes’ It just feels like a ‘nail in the coffin’ on my already crappy life.
Yep I’m whining again. I didn’t want to post this in LJ because I didn’t want my friends to see.
Why do you think you’ll fail the other tests? Because you haven’t studied or something? I can’t believe it’s because you’ve got “Loser” branded somewhere on your bod, because you don’t strike me as a “loser” at all.
The only one who can change your life for the better is you. Feel free to rant and whine and howl to the moon – but, in the morning, the one taking those steps out into the world is you.
hey ryan cool it dude. may i quote forrest gump who said “shit happens”. well im sure its really tough on you but if u look at the big picture its not that bad.well everyone flunks something or the other but the best thing to do with it is to forget it and see to it that it never happens again.i used to grumble a lot bout the whole world when i had flunked but eventually i realised it wasnt so bad cause there are people in the world doing worse than us.so let it not affect ur future actions. i am sure u can be back with a bang. and best of luck for the rest of the tests.
Thanks you guys, its just taken its toll on me, becuase my brother seems to be doing so much better by not going to college, and I look like I’m stuck in a rut.
Figure out where the problem is and work on that area.
Sometimes life sucks. Rant away. Get it out of your system, then go on. Short run, the no-college may look better. Long run…no way. Education is never wasted on one who is trying to learn, even if it takes extra time
Maybe you’re studying the wrong subjects. Are you taking these classes because they interest you, or because you feel like your parents / future employers / whatever expect you to take them? If it’s the latter, it’s time to step back and figure out what you do want to study. You’re not going to do well at something you despise (and even if you do, it’s hardly worth it if the payoff is working at a job you can’t stand).
Sorry, tiny nitpick: IIRC, Forest just said “it happens” in response to the running guy stepping in some shit. This gave the running guy the idea for the phrase.
Study!! Block out distractions - and that would include the SDMB. Your college GPA will be the primary reason you are hired out of college (unless you have previous experience), and it’s pretty grim on the hiring front now. Study, study! You can do it.
And, as Fretful Porpentine mentioned, be sure you are taking courses which interest you – sounds like you’re in the Business arena, don’t be afraid to look at other courses your college offers. I had a tough choice between liberal arts/psych and accounting 15 years ago - I went with accounting, but a little piece of me wishes I had chosen a different road.