I forget, do we have a general HurricaneDitka Pit thread?

Don’t you talk about his kids or he’s going to yell at you in large fonts!!!

Agreed, enthusiastically. His sole interest in this board appears to be to post reflexive pro-Trump propaganda. A complete waste of time to engage with, IMO.

“cheeseless tunnel?” :confused:

Rat, maze. Took me a sec

“Who Moved My Cheese ?” by the author of “The One Minute Manager.”

The idea is that if you set up a maze with several tunnels and cheese at the end of one of them, a rat will quickly learn where the cheese is and repeatedly go down that tunnel. If you move the cheese, the rat will go down that tunnel for a while but will eventually figure out that the cheese isn’t there anymore and stop. That’s the difference between rats and people. People will often go down the cheeseless tunnel over and over for the rest of their lives in spite of the futility of the quest.

Attempting to get through to HD and some of our other Dopers is a cheeseless tunnel.

Ninja’d. I felt sure you’d know that reference, 'cause you’re a sharp cookie. :slight_smile:

You’re absolutely right, and lately I’ve been guilty of it. It’s been triggered by stuff like what iiandyiiii just mentioned:

Why do I do it? I guess because I can’t separate the intellectual understanding that it’s a total waste of time from the emotionally-driven sense of obligation to correct something really, really stupid. Besides believing that Ford was not credible, HD also believes that Kavanaugh gave an outstanding performance, and is not at all an unhinged partisan lunatic whose presence on the Court would discredit it for generations.

I’ll try to do better.

I agree that it’s hard to ignore, which is why [del]God[/del] the SDMB created the Ignore List. For your own sanity.

Besides, and really give this some thought: who gives a fuck what he believes? Does he really believe what he posts, or does he just lap up the attention, the certainty that he can derail any thread he wants to because no one can resist jumping in the pit with him? Why give him the satisfaction?

And anyway, even if something you said changed his mind: 1) so what? and 2) he’d never admit it.

Yep, yep, and yep. I’ve replied to HD and others in that wingnut gang, but no more. There is no point to it. When I see a thread overtaken by HD, octo, shartingartist, etc, I don’t go back.

I hope first that such doesn’t happen, and that the efforts of our generation spare the next at least some of the pain that our has endured.

But, my second hope is that if it does happen that HD has a change of heart in whether he believes women, and that he doesn’t treat his daughter’s accusations against an assault the way he does Ford’s.

Most likely, however, I see it playing out that they are aware that he will not believe them, and that should they mention anything about their trauma to him that he will make sure they know that it is their fault, and instead, will not come forward about the assaults or harassments that they may endure.

:confused: Hurricane has no position on sexual assault, or on anything else for that matter. He simply parrots whatever the Trump line is. The only intellectual effort he expends is in figuring out what Trump would want him to say.

Double his IQ and he could do Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ job

On the plus side, that means that if his children want to know his position, they just have to turn on Fox.

While I am concerned about his daughters, and what may happen to them, and the repercussions that he may visit upon his own children for their failure to protect themselves adequately from predation, I am far more concerned about the cavalier attitude he presents towards sexual assault, and what his potential sons could do to someone else’s daughters.

This is pretty funny – if it were a newspaper story, the headline and subhead would be something like this:

Starving Artist banned, self-identified troll gets nervous
Unpopular douchebag fears for self, claims ban was motivated by “mob” pressure

Dans ce forum, il est bon d’interdire de temps en temps un misogyne pour encourager les autres

Pfft. It ain’t him, if anyone it’s Shodan.

No way. It’s UltraVires. Man, that guy uses some creepy examples, and really adds zero to the board. Dumbest lawyer I’ve ever interacted with.

I love that the obvious trolls are nervous.

Nervous trolls?I’m OK with this.

Like “in 2018 it’s called attempted rape, but in 1982 it was called trying to get laid.”

Regardless of who Little Nemo had in mind, or which troll is next under the ban hammer, the funny part is that HurricaneDitka considers himself vulnerable, and his nervousness speaks volumes about his own perception of his role here.

Not enough to actually modify his role, mind you.