Hub forgot to tell me that BamBam licked a bunny last week. There were three of them in the bottom of the yard. Bam went around the back of the greenhouse right up to them and they didn’t budge. He slurped the closest one and knocked it over with his massive appendage. The rabbit screamed and ran under the fence with his buddies. Hub insisted Bammy was not taste-testing but giving WUV.
Baby bunnies need very special care and will not survive if they don’t receive it, these people can help you. Good Luck.
If alice’s bunny is a baby cottontail, it’ll look a bit more like this.
That’s easily the cutest thing ever created.
Basic identification. Deep down, we know we’re prey animals.
As far as basic identification goes, given that you are legally blind, are you certain that it is a baby bunny and not a baby groundhog, baby fox, or baby human?
I look forward to a pic of the little critter.
It’s a fox with mange.
Incidentally, this is a BABY bunny…
Aha! That’s the sinister mattress tag eating bunny, causing the mattress and pillow police to kick in your door at 3 AM and drag you downtown on charges of possessing undocumented bedroom furnishings.
Anime bunny!! SQUEEE!!
Yep, both of the pictures posted so far look like Chocolate Moose. (That’s Moose for short - he’s got a name.)
The only time Moose was out of his bunny cage is when we gave him some formula and sexed him. He wasn’t very impressed and I didn’t think baby bunny porn was right for the board.
You should make sure to find his kid gloves and pocket watch.
My friend is a pro at raising baby buns:
I’m hoping the sequence of these posts was coincidental.
Make sure it’s legal go keep a wild bunny in your neck of the… urm… “woods.”
Here, in our area, it’s not.
Earlier this year, my dogs caught a baby bunny in our yard. Its leg was injured. We brought it to our humane society, who turned it over to licensed rehabilitators. It miraculously survived (bunnies aren’t very resilient – stress is hard on them) and has since been released. I expect it has since been eaten by something
The rehab folks told me some insanely ridiculously low percentage – like 1% – of baby bunnies make it to adulthood – this is why they reproduce so damned much…
We just got two angora rabbits. By “we” I don’t mean me. :mad:
Their eyes are like they’re always staring at you. The male has already tried to fuck the cat (also male).
Here is our adopted bunny. Her name is Frank, after the rabbit in Donnie Darko. She had been abandoned right outside of our city home. I found her sitting in a crosswalk at 4 am. I was coming home from work and saw her furry shape from a distance. When I realized it was a rabbit, I moved closer and she did not move at all. I noticed her coloring and decided that I would bring her inside if I could get close enough. Jayjay’s mother had a pet rabbit and I thought that he would know what to do.
She was pretty much full grown at the time. We figure that she was abandoned by someone who had bought her as a pet. For a time, we gave her the run of the house. She terrorized our three cats, chasing them from room to room. We tried to litter train her, but to no avail. She now lives quite happily in her own large hutch. She’s very friendly and loves to be held and petted.
Yeah, lotsa hugs and squeezes.