I found a kitten!

she already plays with Markie more than I would imagine he would tolerate - he is her kitty gym! she crawls all over him, messes with his ears, bites his feet and sleeps tucked up next to him…he is incredibly tolerant!





Oh my gosh that’s a cute kitty baby!

Markie is such a good boy. :slight_smile:

That is so adorable!

What a cutie pie! Good boy, Markie!

So cute! Markie obviously makes a good kitty Daddy.

Aww, adorable! Congrats on the new overlord!

Keety! :d

Markie wanted a kitty so he went and found hisself one. Markie says “This is my kitty, go get your own kitty” :smiley:
So cute. Thank you for saving her.

She’s a total cutie. Congrats on the new kitty!

Oh, she’s adorable! I don’t suppose Markie is short for Marc Antony, is it?

I read, “…in the middle of the dog.” :smiley:

LilyoftheField, congrats on the new overlord. She sound cute as a button.

Be careful what you wish for, Markie! :smiley: What a sweet pair.

She’s a darling. Markie has good taste. And so do you.

Rescues are my favorite breed!

OOh, I wants to cuddle up the little sweetums! <collapses into a babbling heap from the cute>


Soooooooooo cute!!!

I was curious as to how Banshee was doing! Here you go again… Although this one will probably be an easier go of it.

NYAWWWW! Lookit that cute face! And those blue eyes! melts from cuteness overload
Congrats on the new kitty! :slight_smile:

You are so lucky; Markie might have found a well with Timmy at the bottom! Then you’d have a helluva food bill and a college education to pay for.

I was thinking the same thing!