I found out last week I have cancer

Sounds like losing the internet for two weeks is the worse thing that will happen.

Best of luck.

Good luck with your surgery and sending good vibes for a full recovery.

The best of luck with your surgery. It’s good news, given the circumstances. And try not to go into Doper withdrawal too much. :wink:

Your post serves as a reminder for us to observe changes in our bodies and not settle for just one opinion. May all of the good that you have done here be returned to you many times over.
We will be looking forward to being in touch with you again!

Uh, yeah. Sure. That’s it, before the night began…

(Remember the woman who bailed on us for that yakinuku place in Azabu-Juban where you met the cute Texas law-students? That was her. :D)

Jeez, keep a guy out all night a time or two, and suddenly everyone’s suspicious. :dubious:

Uh, yeah. Sure. That’s it, before the night began…

(Remember the woman who bailed on us for that yakinuku place in Azabu-Juban where you met the cute Texas law-students? That was her. :D)

Jeez, keep a guy out all night a time or two, and suddenly everyone’s suspicious. :dubious:

Hey, Sublight. I don’t know you, really, but you seem like a pretty cool person.

Best of luck to you. I hope the surgery is as as painless and effective as at all possible, and that your recovery is quick.

Thanks Sublight. The tests went off without a hitch. I’ll know more on Monday.

Sublight: been there, done that, cancer-free for eight years now. Good luck with the surgery, and keep smiling!

This post unexpectedly brightened my day.

Carve that mother out.

Good thoughts headed your way for a successful surgery!:slight_smile:


Ouch. Good luck to you, and hopefully you’ll recover soon.

Everyone with cancer should get news as good as yours. I hope your recovery goes smoothly and quickly.


It’s the morning of June 16 and instead of getting prepped, drugged and carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey, I’m sitting at my desk at work trying to write a catalog that makes airbags sound exciting. The hospital is fully booked (summer is a popular time for cancer, I guess), so my surgery has been re-scheduled for sometime around the 26th. I’ll keep you guys posted on things come along.

Oh. Thanks for the update. It must suck to have to put it off; I mean, once I schedule something, waiting is the hardest part.

Anyway, best of luck with your surgery and recovery!


If they’re willing to wait a bit, then you’re golden…the ones that scare you are “call your family to meet you here after the surgery”. Been there, done that. 8 years, 4 cancers, 5 surgeries.

And, as you may have noticed, still around and kicking. One of mine was a sarcoma of some type, and IF i’m remembering the correct one, the hard part was getting moving again instead of staying in the bed. Of course, i’m lazy…

Hoping you and yours come through this with flying colors, Sublight. Best wishes.

What’s up sublight?
I’m going to be leaving Japan on business for a few weeks, but wanted to know how you were doing.
Let us all know how it all went, OK?

Good luck, Sublight!

I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


I didn’t realize how old this thread was.

Never mind.

:Sneaks away, horribly embarrassed.: