I got Borg!

Harimad: A 2260’s Yeoman outfit.

NCB: You would think she’d have remembered she sent me one, especially considering I had asked her if she had gotten them yet in Cease Fire. Women. :dubious:

If anyone needs me, I’ll be raiding the closet.

You wouldn’t happen to have any self-stealing stem bolts in that closet, would you?

Without them, I’ll never get these isolinear chips sorted in time!

My mind is going…I can feel it…

Well, now you gots two copies. But I think I signed the newest one.

Would somebody check my memory and run a defrag?

I got the second one today and it’s sitting on top of my computer, right beside the other one. They make a lovely set. :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought you were coming by last night, Harimad? I wound up drinking all by myself. :frowning:

Sorry, Aesiron. I never made it out of my closet. I was seized by a tall, dark-haired girl who was wearing some of my clothes. She’s only just now let me out again.

Did she play Dwight Yokum songs at you?

And force hazzlenut flavoured coffee on you?

No, but she did restrain me with capri pants.

Good thing she didn’t use clam diggers.

Wait, what? I invite you to my place for some drinks, you no-show, claiming abduction, and then come out of the closet the very next day? You really know how to hurt a man.

It’s not that kind of closet, Aesiron. I promise to apologize in an appropriately abject fashion and do your bidding if you forgive me.

You work for eBay?

Of course, of course. You’re forgiven. I have a few ales left over if you’re so inclined. I have to work tomorrow but I’m willing to risk a reprimand or five for your company.

Ah, that’s lovely of you.

Could you open the door already?

Sorry, was making the place presentable.

I hope you like Idanian spice pudding.

Of course.

Now sit here by me and tell me all about yourself.

I am a man of conflict and loss, but also a man of poetry and wisdom.

I am accompanied by my kitten, Minerva, to whom I give all my food for I consume nothing but wine. I have only one eye, which blazes like the sun, as my other eye was traded for a drink from the Well of Wisdom, where I gained immense knowledge.

My home in Asgard is Valaskjalf, where my throne. Hlidskjalf, is located. From this throne, I observe all that happens in the fifty states.

I am fascinated, and the pudding is excellent.