I got Borg!

Volunteers? Line forms here. :smiley:

Oh, I’m staying. You folks are stuck with me now.

Careful. A woman showing even the slightest bit of attention to a Trekkie will soon have him and all his acquaintances (I would say friends but who’m I kidding?) constantly begging for more.

We’re worse than the stray kitten you fed just once.

I am not seeing where this is a problem. Geeks are sexy. Even Star Trek geeks.

Especially Star Trek geeks.

Oh, really?

Nice to meet you, in that case. You must have your phaser set to stunning, 'cause you’re out of this world. :cool:

I have no witty replies so sigh will have to do.


Allow me to be the first to say “I am fully functional.”


My VB coding is screwed up, but I’m fully functional.

Pft. You may be fully functional but as your post indicates, you’re obviously not programmed in a wide variety of techniques.

Your phaser won’t be much use if you don’t know how to turn off the safety. :stuck_out_tongue:

But I am.

A full spectrum of pleasuring.

Mr. Broccoli!

You guys sure know how to impress a girl. fans self vigorously

NoClue: Additional non-Borgian stuff was transmitted to your coordinates this morning.

Should I tell you-know-who that you-know-what is coming?

Sure. He’s done a bang up job for me. A public gifting is in order.

Transmission complete. I liked your Andromeda Strain.
It would be a bargain at twelve quatloos.

Thanks. I usually write much darker fare, but this antho calls for positive stuff, even if people die and whatnot. (What fine literary phrasing.)

How many Quatloos in a Latinum bar? Or the other way around?

Aes, you are receiving a book from me courtesy of NCB. The bumper sticker was an extra from me, though.

Er. Is the book from him or from you? If it’s the latter, why’re you sending it? You peole confuse me.

Either way, thanks to the both of you. Believe it or not, the whining wasn’t real. Okay, mostly. Maybe.

I don’t know.

Hey, Harimad-sol, want to come over to my place for some Romulan Ales?

Viva, I’m starting a new story thread Monday. A Sci-Fi Murder Mysyery. Join in, I’ll send you the link when I post the first scene.

Aes, I was gonna get you sumptin silly when I had the amazingly cogent (for me) thought that you might like Viva’s book, so I bought you one. As a thank you for Adminning on NIFSTD.

By “viva’s book”, do you mean the Science Fiction anthology she was published in a couple months ago? The one I bought and recieved a copy of a week ago with a picture of what looks like Mars on the cover?

Or is there some other book I’m not aware of?

And any time re: NIFSTD. Glad I could help.

Sure thing. What should I wear?

Bwa ha ha ha !!!

Now you have two.