I got me a Palm Pilot!!!

Well, as my graduation present, my parents gave me a Palm V. It is completely worth whatever they paid for it :). Anyone else in here have one of these beauties?

Coolest thing since sliced bread. I’ve had one for about 4 years now. In fact, I was one of the guys who put together the first gnu-like SDK before USRobotics put one out. I wrote a disassembler; you can acually still find it here: http://www.massena.com/darrin/pilot/pila/pilaum.htm

Palm IIIx here. Had it about a year/year and a half. Love it. Though it doesn’t seem to keep the date very well.

I was looking at a Hp Jordna 545 and a Casio Cassiopeia, and the Palm IIIxe
I like the Hp because its fast and is color, as is the Casio, but the Hp has built in internet. dont know much about the palm pilots.

I bought a Handspring Visor a few weeks ago. Runs the Palm OS, but is cheaper and more versatile: it has a gameboy-like slot where you can put modules that can either be software or hardware!
I want the digital cam module for christmas :smiley:

I love it to death! You’ve got to be careful with which third party software you install though. Last night, I installed an app from the Dead People Server, and it made my Visor crash so bad I had to reinstall the entire thing! Thus missing all third party software, naturally :mad:

My boss just got one. I swear, if it had boobs, he’d be sleeping with it! He says it changed his life. I have to maintain it on the computer for him, but it’s pretty user-friendly, so no complaints here! He’s rathe obsessed, though.

I have some good news for you. If you leave your oh-so-sexy Palm V in the side puch of your cargo pants and wash it in the washer, let it dry out…it’ll live again.

Don’t ask how I know this :slight_smile:


Mine doesn’t have boobs, but i sleep with it anyway. :smiley:

Hey Coldfire – I’ve had mine eight months and I use it everyday! For nnyone considering a handheld, I definitely recommend a Handspring. I have the 8Mb Visor Deluxe in blue.

As for your software crash, why did you have to reinstall everything? Standard rule of thumb is to make sure you have a full back-up before installing new software. It’s VERY easy to do since all you have to do is set your conduit manager such that you do a full back-up at the time you also install the new application. If the new app fails, you have a back-up you just made moments ago. Every single one of your pre-existing apps as well as things like addresses are then restored right on your Visor again.

I don’t see the Dead People Server listed at Visor Central’s Incompatibility List so if it’s verifiable you might want to write them to add it in their list.

Another quite happy Visor owner here (8MB Deluxe in blue as well). Kicks Palm’s butt. :slight_smile:

And Coldfire, what Baglady said. Alas, one thing I’ve learned not to do is drop the little bugger as those glass screens do crack - as mine did. :frowning: Of course the one-year warranty covers everything except the screen, but they just up and sent me a new one and I sent the broken one back (for an $85 service fee, of course). The thing is, even with the broken screen I could still Hotsync it with my Mac, which I did, and I was very worried all my third-party software would be lost, but when I got the new one and did a Hotsync, it re-installed all those programs - good as new! So definitely hotsync often.


Great tips, Baglady & Esprix! Feels good, huh, being part of the PDA Anarchist Movement :smiley:

Another Palm V owner here. No jeers, please. I bought it before the IIIx, Vx, or the Handsprings were in existence. And to tell the truth, I’d probably do it again if I were buying one today (well, I might go with the Vx instead). The other units are nice, and some have very cool features, but I LOVE the fact that the V is small enough to carry in my pocket comfortably. I always have it on me, and it does everything I need. In fact, I bought one of those small keyboards for it, and now I use it to take notes in class. Paper? Fah. That’s SO last millenium. Chicks dig it.

Here I thought I was being silly.

Handspring for me. In Ice. With portable keyboard for taking notes. Made me late to every meeting for a month at my internship. It would remind me happily, but the other people in the room would have to paw all over it before I could go. (Never, ever whip out a cool gadget in front of engineers. Ever.) I beam minutes from meetings to my mom’s Handspring, she hotsyncs with her laptop and can print them out before the guys are done talking about golf.

I can’t wait to get to school with this thing. No more backpacks for me! Though I will miss loaning out my special sparkly pens.

Handspring Visor 8M in Ice here as well. Any of you bitten by the recent memory bug? I ran the detect program and it said “there may be a problem”, but I haven’t found the patch on the handspring site.

Other than that potential badness, I love the thing.

I have a palm 7. In fact I work for the company. But I’m not allowed to disclose that. Especially on thier computers here at work. The palm is the collest thing. I don’t carry around a planner anymore. I’ve got my palm instead. I can actually carry a normal size purse to stick it in/

Then of course to make by fiance happy. I put the hack, Trek Sounds. It has all these noises from Star Trek and has a sigh on and off logo. It tickles him. he loves it.

Also I never get lost cause I’ve got…Mapquest

I get all my email on it too.

I love it!!!

Ooooo, you go, girlfriend!! The ice color is really awesome.

Which portable keyboard do you use? I have the Stowaway folding keyboard, which never fails to elicit gasps of oooohs and ahhhhhhs in amazement when I unfold it in front of them. Plus at $99 it’s a great stylus substitute when I want to write a bunch of stuff.

I’ve got a Palm IIIc, the one with the color screen. And I love it! I was never one for carrying around a day planner, but I’m not sure I could live without my Palm now. I use it so much that I’ve find it has affected the way I write. I have a tendency to write certain letters - B, D, N, M, etc. - using the Palm graffiti strokes even when I’m writing with pen and paper.

And I definitely plan to look into getting a portable keyboard. Way cool!

OK, but HOW? I’m going through my standard Palm OS Desktop software, and see no such option, not even in the install module. The Visor HotSync app has no such settings either. Where do I need to change things? Is this a separate software patch?

Palms are excellent. HP Jornadas also very cool, and more like Windows desktop, for those who use that already.

The One I want is the PDA, Cell Phone, Pager, Internet all in one. There are a few kinda sorta close now, but nothing worth spending more money on yet, so it’s the Jornada for now. But these gadgets are fantastic. In two (three, four?) years time we should be able to get any piece of info (that exists online) from anywhere, anytime…Oh, scuse me, my watch is telling me about a news item…

I ** HAD ** a Palm IIIXE that I bought for my Birthday in June while I was in Vegas. I had it stolen from me two weeks ago in New York. Thankfully I bought it on my Amex card and they sent me a check for it. Today I bought a Handspring Deluxe in Graphite. The Stylus with the Handspring is the best I have ever seen. You can unscrew the tip and there is a small piece of plastic that will fit the reset hole on the back. No longer will I hunt for paperclips if I have a crash