And my husband’s still making fun of me for it this morning.
Emmy the Wonder Cat™ and I usually go to bed around 10 or so by ourselves - the ‘boys’ stay in the living room and watch TV (well, my husband watches TV…Oscar the Wonder Cat™ just licks himself in various places until he passes out). Last night, I was laying on my right side and Emmy was curled up in my stomach.
You know that moment between half-sleeping and half-waking? And how sometimes your entire body jerks awake when you’re between that? Mine did last night and scared the crap out of Emmy, who jumped two feet in the air and ran to the side of the bed.
However, I must have still been half asleep when I saw her run to the side of the bed because I saw her throw up a giant blood clot - she opened her mouth and this blood clot the size of a washcloth came out of her mouth.
So I jumped out of bed screaming, and ran to the side of the bed with her, while my husband comes running in, thinking there’s something majorly wrong. I’m screaming that she’s throwing up blood, and what’s Emmy doing?
Staring at me like “What the HELL is your problem, woman?”. I hastily made her meow to show me that she was okay, checked the floor, checked the bed, nothing.
She gave me a weak meow and then begged for treats.
I still have no idea what the hell I saw. My only explanation is that I was still asleep when I saw her do it.