I graduated!

Yesterday was the last day of my Office Technology class. As some of you may know, I was laid off in March after working in the same factory for twenty-five years. Hopefully it will end up being the best thing that ever happened to me. One of the nice things to happen during my unemployment is finding this message board!

Anyway, I took a class to hone my typing skills and learn ten-key, and to learn Word, Excel, Access and Power Point. I am in the process of registering at temp agencies and hope to find a job where I will be appreciated and do well.

Today I will mostly be cleaning my house in case some of the Central Minnesota Dope Festees (festers sounded really oogely}, so I should really get off the computer and start working.


should read: in case some of the Central Minnesota Dope Festees decide to come over here (company is mine main incentive to clean).

And yes, I did preview. I hope I do better in an office setting.

Woo! Congratulations, Spider Woman, and best of luck to you and your freshly-minted skills!

Now, if only my archaeology degree were useful…

Congrats Spidey!!!
I can’t think of anything else to say.
um…way to go

I have a somewhat dusty degree in psychology (1987) which I was trying to use to gain employment. Lack of experience and poor interviews (I get really nervous) were blocks for me, so I took this class with the hope of possibly getting a human services position through a side door, so to speak. And temping might enable me to do that and also to somewhat avoid the inteview process until I have built some confidence in my newly acquired skills. (My brother says “Always have a back-up plan.”)

Have you already graduated, and are now looking for work, or have you had your degree for a while and are doing something else?

The “side door” route is a smart one to take–that’s partly why I’m doing computer stuff. Archaeology firms always need techie geek types! I graduated in May '99 but have been in the IT world since then.

Kinda funny–I got laid off in March too! Got rehired back by the same company to do a better job, so it all worked out.

Yay, Spider Woman! That’s so completely smashing! Congratulations! I think I’ve just used up all of my alotted exclamation points for the day, but it was worth it! :smiley:

Kegger at Spider Woman’s!!! :smiley:

Ba baaaaaa

Ba ba ba ba BA BA

Ba ba bum bum BA BA

Ba ba ba ba bumbumbumbumbumbumbumbum


Ba ba bum bum BA BA

Ba ba bum bum BA BA

Bum de de bum bum ba ba ba ba baaaaaaa

Thank you all, Rasa, Serendipity, Jimmy Nipples and xizor! I guess a kegger would be a tun (ouch) of fun (I don’t drink but I’ll be the designated cyber driver). And I’ll provide the usual party hats for anyone who would like one.


  • & * & * & * & * & * & *

That ought to do for now unless more show up!

And a hat for you too, Enderw23! I have to go practice that dance (and I still haven’t gotten much work done!).


Hey Spidey:

Congrats on the class finishing. You know it will be useful. I understand there is alot of neato functions that those programs do but most of us don’t use cause we don’t know how to access them and sometimes even that they are there.

I used to do temp work and really enjoyed it. Remember to keep a good paperback in your purse to pull out for those slow times on the jobs.

Now about that cleaning, when you finish your place, ummm, how about a temp job at my house for some major cleaning that needs to be done. hehe.


My dearest congrats to you, Arachni-fem.

                        -s k 8

My boundless congrats! I am very happy for you and proud of you for sticking at it until you were done.

I’m pretty excited about this and will keep everyone posted on my job search and what adventures I encounter.

A Psych degree and you ended up in a factory? Did the same with my Anthro degree! But subsequent bosses have told me that my degree, while not directly useable for the job, showed a degree of stick-to-itiveness that made me more hireable than my competitors. Maybe it’ll help you!

We’re all pulling for you.

Go, Spidey, go!

It sounds like you really made the most of a tough situation after you got laid off. In my experience, temp agencies are glad to get anyone with a pulse, so they should be out of their minds with excitement when you register. I hope you find a great temp position. You should have no trouble going temp-to-perm.

Best of luck!

Go, Spidey, go!

It sounds like you really made the most of a tough situation after you got laid off. In my experience, temp agencies are glad to get anyone with a pulse, so they should be out of their minds with excitement when you register. I hope you find a great temp position. You should have no trouble going temp-to-perm.

Best of luck!

Yipeeeeee!!! One of my favorite posters, playing with some of my favorite toys!!

I started out doing Word Processing and Page alyout on Macs, than PCs, before O got into heavier techie-stuff. I’m so glad you are starting a new career that you are excited about, I know you will do well Spidey, 'cause you are extremely clever.

Good luck getting the first gig, after that it gets easier.


many many congrats!!! and good luck finding the perfect job!