I guess we're swines

Yes it is official, my son has H1N1. As the doctor told us it really isn’t any worse than what goes around most years other than it has a really bad press agent. We caught it early and he is on Tamiflu and now (2 days later) his fever is down and all is well. I’m very forunate that I can work from home when necessary but I’m ready for this to be over with.

My daughter, 15, had all the symptoms (104 fever, chills, chattering of the teeth, horrific headache, no respiratory involvment) of the swine flu, but we chose not to have her tested because his course of treatment was going to be the same no matter what.

It was a bugger, for sure, but no worse than the flu my older daughter had two years ago. That was very similar, but also involved throwing up and diarrhea. It was so traumatic on her body that she lost a ton of her hair afterward.

Here’s wishing him a speedy recovery! Sending healing thoughts his way.

Glad he’s on the road to recovery – but you are swine, not swines. Swine is a collective noun, like cattle. The positive aspect of this is that you can now expect to have pearls cast before you. :slight_smile:

My little sister caught it last month during her second week at college. She’s fine now and said it was milder than the normal flu from her perspective.

My elder son’s got it right now. His fever broke yesterday. It got to 105 before it did though… They are giving out Relenza here - seems to be working.

His school has been hit, over 50 kids down in the school and 16 in his class alone. They’ve closed the school for a week and I’ve had to close my English school for the same time. Thank goodness I did two hours of make up lessons for each class during the summer holidays. I didn’t know I’d need to call them in so soon though…