I had a 'brain attack' this weekend

Oh, I know stuff can always get worse. Because usually for me, it does sooner or later. I’m trying not to let things affect my overall attitude because generally I do look on the bright side of life. It’s just that sometimes the chemicals don’t do the right thing and the brain is compelled to take me to an altogether unpleasant place. I liken it to a heart attack–the person doesn’t really want to have one, it’s not good for the organ causing the problem but what can you do? It’s involuntary physiology. Brain’s the same way. It processes stimuli as best it can and sometimes things just get broke. It’s unnerving because sometimes you can step back and watch your brain decide to get angry, depressed, jubilant…and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it even though you can understand that you’re way out of bounds.

In that light I can understand the intensity of drive that may compel folks to “immoral” interpersonal activity. Cheaters, killers, insurance agents, etc. But while it may explain the actions it does not excuse them. If an appliance is broken to the point where it’s not safe, you get rid of it. Same for broken brains. Sorry, maybe it’s not your fault that you’re nuts, but…you’re still nuts and dangerous. Buh-bye. It’s what I’m really afraid of. How long until I go too far? I want to deny the potential severity of the problem, ignore it so it can go away because most days I’m peachy. And then sometimes I just get a “brain attack.” It’s not as simple as “shake it off & drive on.” At my worst I can’t do that any more than someone can will their heart to get going again. It scares me in the same way having an old timing belt on the Pathfinder scares me. There are no symptoms until the thing just breaks, and then stuff is ruined and dreadful inconvenience sets in. I know the belt is old and needs to be fixed, but since it’s not broken yet I have other more urgent things to attend to. But not to worry, it’ll make itself a priority.

Oh, uh, No. I didn’t hurt anybody. Just a massive depression attack. But I’m all better now. :slight_smile:

Hope “didn’t hurt anyone” includes yourself! Brain chemistry shit sucks – hope you get through it okay.

I thought maybe you meant something like this:



Those creepy eyes on the front of the brain would really freak me out.

Seriously, though, if you think your brain isn’t working right, and especially if you have concerns about someone getting hurt because of this, by all means seek out help. Better to nip it in the bud rather than lament later.

Gotta hit that collie-sized brain in the Fissure of Rolando while it’s still small, after all.

Just FYI, in the US medical community, the term “brain attack” is coming more and more to mean a stroke. The medical community is encouraging this use among the layfolk to help emphasize the need to get emergent medical attention for symptoms associated with the brain attack.

Just so you know.

Yeah, that’s what I assumed when I read it.

Given the rather, uh, differently coherent nature of the OP, it took awhile for me to decide that he wasn’t talking about a stroke.