I had a brilliant idea for the MMP

Do you seek to hide some bodies?

Georgetown. Jawja helps keep Savannah from drifting off into the Atlantic.:smiley:
and the sun has come out.

It could just be an idiot. Judging by my experience on Craigslist, the idiots outnumber the scammers about 10 to 1.

Hi there young man! :wink: :wink: :wink:

You had to mention Utz (far and away my favorites) and munchies in the same post. Now I have a muscle-memory craving for a bag of their salt and vinegar chips. :smack:
Found out the Amish have a gig early June near Cincy. There is also an amusement park near Cincy. My assumption is that it’s a sign from God and He/She loves me. Anyone want to attend a free concert on June 6? It beats storming a beach.

Back from erranding. Successful except for getting the motorcycle title. They had 2 women doing titles and in the 30 minutes I sat there, they each helped 1.5 customers. I thought I was next in line, assuming C14 came after C13, but they leapt to D7 and D8. So I left. I had ice cream melting in the truck - silly me - I thought I could get out of there in 30 minutes. So I’ll go back when I don’t have ice cream. Heck, I could probably go back now and not have lost my place. But I want lunch, so screw 'em! Tomorrow is soon enough. Or this afternoon. Whatever.

It started raining a bit, so my decision to not do laundry was a good one. I’ll have me some lunch, then pull out the vacuum and terrify Ziva. After that, who knows??

Fluffy was going to visit today, but we spoke at 7:00 a.m.; her mom has been experiencing episodes of senility-related disorientation, growing in frequency as well as intensity. It’s doing a number on Fluffy, and Fluffy’s brother is being a spoiled “that’s your job. I have a family” kind of brat about everything. Yesterday had been a good day and when Fluffy and I spoke last night, everyone was in good and cooperative moods. But this morning Aunt Mom had a minor fit of panic and ruined Fluffy’s whole day. On the plus side, Brother Brat has taken Aunt Mom for the day, so Fluffy at least can unwind a little.

I’m havin’ a pretty good cheeseburger 'n fries at a little restaurant in Ft. Gaines, Jawja. I give Ft. Gaines a pass to exist since it’s a kinda cute little town. Ok, gotta finish up N.O.L. and then onto large and in charge Morgan, Jawja, capitol of Calhoun County.

I really need to get to doing something around here.
I have a list so there’s no excuse.

Hello Mumpers! I’m leaping into your thread to announce that today is my 15th anniversary on the Dope! I await the clamor of your congratulations, well-wishings, and shocked amazements.

Psst, btw, is it okay if I call you Mumpers?

You may call us Mumpers as long as you accord the title all the respect and adulation it rightfully commands. That means no snickering!


Happy Dope-iversary! My 15th is coming up in August - how coincidental!! :wink: Except your post count indicates more of a lurker than a contributory Doper. I shall regard that suspiciously until I receive requisite love offerings of fine chocolates. Because that’s the way I do things.


I just finished vacuuming - what a fun chore that was! Three small animals sure produce a LOT of sheddage. But for the moment, the carpets are socially acceptable. Go me!

I just happen to have a surplusage (I think that might be a word) of fine chocolates from a recent trip to Belgium.

You are right to regard my low-ish post count as suspicious. I went missing for a while during the Winter of Our Missed Content and during Pay to Post. I was still lurking, so I count it towards my total.

You may call us Mumpers as long as you now include yourself in that plural noun. Welcome Auggie. You brought the beer as well, right?

eta: inventing words is the right of every Mumper

ruble, the Amish are having a concert? :smiley:

Mooom, you were quite the optimist going to the DMV with ice cream in the car in May.

Happy anniversary, Auggie!

It’s a slow day here. We had a meeting this morning to inform us that our manager took his Harley down an embankment this weekend and won’t be in for a couple of weeks. No metal body replacement parts like the last time, but he broke five ribs and bamged himself up pretty good.

If you get pass Brunswick GA stop in at Ted and Dot’s Mom and Pop’s Harley Shop. Ted passed a couple years back but give Mom a hug from their Yankee friends.

Congrats -------- and sure. But realize you are now a Mumper yourself. It’s like the Z-virus; one small bite and you are infected! :smiley:

Yes. Some sort of opening act for something called Under the Radar. Details are not in yet. It may not be free. There are also strong indications in the Yodervine that they are going back to Bean Blossom. Want to meet us there and see if you can figure out where Naked Bob hides his batteries?

OK, so he’ll get better. The important part is HOW IS THE MOTORCYCLE??? <sheds tear>

Good news/change of plans - Since Brother Brat has Aunt Mom for the day, Fluffy is going to run away to me and stay over! YAY! Let him deal with things for a while. Maybe he’ll appreciate how much Fluffy does for a change.

Howdy from large and in charge Morgan, Jawja, capitol of Calhoun County. Calhoun County is weird. The courthouse and associated county/state orifices are in Morgan. The middle/high school and liberry are in Edison (the biggest town), the elementary school, senior center and the county’s only stoplight are in Arlington. It’s like these little towns got together and divided up who gets what. Anywho, I am awaitin’ my two p.m. appointment at the DFCS orifice here in Morgan. I may go cavewards after this cause OYKW will be there soon.

Congrats Auggie! Now you are one of us. ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US! :smiley:

Rosie yay for Fluffy sleepover!

ruble, from what I gather, the bike will likely be a total loss (‘08 modified Sportster) as it went down a 200’ embankment up on the Plateau. This is the replacement for the last totaled Sportster.

Posts: 30,696. Small time piker! :slight_smile:

**red **- we’ve got an '04 Fat Boy for sale for cheap!! I’m serious!! It’s real purdy!!! We’ll pay you a finders fee!!! :smiley:

OK, enough shameless self-promotion. Back to Netflix - I can watch another episode of Gilmore Girls before my sweetie gets home.

**flytrap **- :stuck_out_tongue:

I lurked at this board for about five or six years before I actually joined. Mostly in GQ.

Back to work on the music now.