I had a brilliant idea for the MMP

Howdy from da csve! Moanday has been survived. Go Me! OYKW will be here in about thirty minutes. YAY!

Spousal unit is home, deciding whether he’ll nap or watch TV. Supper will be grab whatever. Chill evening to ensue.

Howdy ya’ll. Still at irk for another hour. Been a busy day. I just did 1.5 miles on a stationary bike. Wore me out it did. I must start doing it every day about 3 times. There is no excuse not to.

My Drancunculus vulgaris is blooming. Not my plant, but it’s a chick magnet!

I went and got groceries, walked the dog, cleaned the fridge and kitchen. Dinner is Parmesan crusted pork chops, vermouth rice, and sauteed green beans with tomatoes and mushrooms.

Welcome(back), and happy Doperversary, Augie!

Flytrap, stop being vulgar, there are ladies present!:mad:

Dindin has been et. Leftovers tomorrow because we do not waste foods. OYKW is about to take a soak in the tub. Appreciation to ensue. :wink:

flytrap really! Vulgar pics have no place in the MMP. Shame!

Welcome, Auggie!

My phone may or may not have shit the bed. The phone part works just fine. I get texts, notifications, and other stuff that is supposed to be on the front screen. The only problem is that the screen is frozen and I can’t make it work. :mad: I’m backing it up to see what I can do; I may be forced to upgrade. :mad::mad:

And for good measure: :mad:

Supper was quick and not quite as satisfying as it could have been, but I have a basis for a future meal. I used the pastaroni angel hair parmesan and added sauteed onions and zucchini slices. What it needed was mushrooms and shrimps. That will be the future meal.

FCD had leftover chickie salad with Wickles, which apparently are hot pickle slices. He said it was good. I’m not that big a fan of pickles and definitely not a fan of hot. But he liked it, so there’s that.

The dishwasher is washing the dishes and the news is on TV. I got the last bit of info I needed for the title transfer which will happen tomorrow - I’ll just go to MVA with a book in hand and sit till they take care of the title. But today is winding down. Not too bad for a Moanday.

Today is JDD’s father’s 91st birthday. He was just at the nursin’ home where his mom and dad are yestiddy for Mother’s Day, but bein’ the dutiful son he went back to see them because of his dad’s bday. His mother, HRH Miss Becky, has informed him that she wants him to come back tomorrow and bring her a Vidalia onion sammich. It shall be made thusly. White bread, mayo on both slices of bread, thinly sliced Vidalia onion, and lightly peppered. Ummm… I likes me some Vidalia onions, but in a sammich? Anywho, he shall prepare this ummm delicacy and bring it to her tomorrow.

And on that note it’s teevee and snuggle time.

Nitey Nite Y’all!

Mooom, I would reckon that the boss’ wife will have him on double secret probation for a while after he gets back on hi feet as far as bikes go. Poor thang’ll have to make do with the Buell for a while. :smiley:

ETA: Happy 91st, JDDdaddy!

Query: invigilator?!

Home from class, inhaling therapy nachos before returning to homework.

Apparently, there’s a good chance DH will be working in a few weeks! :slight_smile:

I am now the proud papa of a righteous mailbox post.

Someone (otherwise known as DH) bumped the mailbox last week and the almost completely rotten through post tipped over. It really was crap and was probably one good breeze away from collapsing. So, someone else (guess who) had to rebuild it. If it was just our mailbox, I probably would have hammered a piece or two of rebar alongside the post and called it done, but it’s a double-header that also holds the neighbor’s mailbox. A bunch of redwood, a stick of rebar, two sacks of concrete and a bunch of screws later, it’s finished and better engineered than the original.

And it’s my own fault.:frowning:

I ran out of one of my medicines which is not directly for anxiety, but certainly helps quite a bit. I picked up my prescription on my way home.

In the airport waiting for flight to LA-LA land tonight. Weee. Two days of meetings than home.

MiL still at homestead. Could be worse. Ah, hotels. Bastions of room service, and clean towels. Maybe I’ll extend it… :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I shall recline and veg the night away. *** MWAH!!***

Dinner was good. No hockey tonight ,so it’s a NCIS marathon.

sunny, is there another conference you could go to for a couple of days? :wink:

Is that a Georgian or Deep Southern Reconstruction thing? I have never heard of it, but my experience is limited to Arkansas and Tennessee.

I admit, I do rather like the phrases “inhaling therapy nachos” and “righteous mailbox post.”

Going to bed in a bit.

Lazy day but I got some stuff done.
I should stop feeling lazy, I did irk 9 hours yesterday.

My contract got renewed so I have a job for another year. No increase this year so that is a bummer.

I’m glad I called about a bill today instead of paying it. I don’t know why I got a bill, never have since it gets taken automatically. The company has no idea why I got the bill, and the amount on the bill was wrong so I would have overpaid. I thought about paying it off but since there’s no interest why bother?
Hang onto my money since I’ll be going a week without pay anyway.

I have to figure out what to get the kid for his birthday Saturday. He is the hardest person to buy for because he never wants anything - but pizza. He gets a lot of Dominoes gift cards. My mother wanted to get him one of those Apple watches and he told her no.
I told her to buy him a freezer so he can stock up on frozen pizzas.