And that was the least of my problems at that particular establishment. I mean, I was shocked that they could market them when they are no longer “fresh.” Of course, in this day and age it is sometimes hard to tell (what with modern science and all). They could probably tell us anything they want and we’d believe them.
And I was in a “rush,” but still my “server” screwed up and had to be shown how it’s done. I would have thought it would have been a fairly simple problem to fix, but no! At one point I just had to go get a drink and come back, to find that they were still at it. And didn’t finish for a while.
The worst part was the family who stood there watching the whole thing.
Eggs? Are we talking about eggs?
This was supposed to be posted in the “taken out of context” thread, wasn’t it?
I’m guessing potato chips. (Would one “Lay’s” potato chip be a “Lay”? After the knock-down-drag-out we had over whether “Legos” was an acceptable plural, I just don’t know, anymore.)
Necrophilia. I hear it can be tough to find a decent place.
Once you start laying servers, it’s only a matter of time before the hostess is next.
Perhaps a douche would solve your problem?
Tramp Please, I’m eating
MonkeyMule: Do you mean that literally, or metaphorically?
The family that Lays together, weighs together.
Maybe a douche could help you too MonkeyMule.
Betcha can’t stop at one.