So exciting. I got this thing for my birthday in the summer, but we didn’t set it up until last month because of a long trip.
The 3 basils are sky-high - the first of the harvest yesterday went to the old standby, pesto. Tonight I picked some of the thyme for a pan sauce. We’ve also got solid oregano and mint contenders.
I’ve always had a black thumb, so this is waaaay cool. They all look so *healthy *and yummy.
Funny - I just got mine going again. My basil is about 1/4 inch high, and the chives are close behind.
This is my second crop. I had it going last winter, but put it away over the summer. Definitely worth the $$ IMO. I’m sorta thinking of buying a second one for Mr. Athena, who would go nutso with fresh cherry tomatoes all winter long.
One must wonder if anyone is growing…illegal herbs… with this outfit, and, given that, if the Feds are knocking on the doors of anyone who purchased them. They do so for certain expensive grow lights that are used to grow marijuana indoors.
You can buy these things at Bed Bath and Beyond, I doubt the DEA is staked out in the Yankee Candles waiting for someone to buy these things. Besides, there are other factors that make the Aero not a good choice for such…farming.
I always wondered about that. Back when I was big into freshwater planted aquariums, I totally looked like a drug grower on my credit card receipts. Two large metal halide grow lamps, custom fertilizers, regular purchase of CO2… I was waiting for that knock on the door, and looking forward to laughing at them when they saw my fish tank.
Who knows though, maybe they snuck in one day when I was out.
I haven’t set mine up yet because I’ve been waiting for my shipment of cherry tomato seeds. But that looks so great I might just have to forgo that cherry-tomato-winter dream and get it goin’!
I so want a couple, one for herbs, one for salad greens and maybe one for tomatoes…i loves me some tiny grape tomatoes! Heck, 4, ill get one for little peppers too!
Yay! It’s fun all out of proportion, isn’t it? I mean, it’s herbs. Weeds. Anyone can grow 'em, right? But it’s so exciting to have on your countertop!
IANAMarijuana Cultivation Expert, but I have watched two seasons of Weeds. The plants are way too big for the Aerogarden to handle. The neck holding the lights only extends something like 21", and marijuana grows tall. Maybe if there’s a dwarf variety it would work…
Snap 'em up quick! Our Target only carried Aerogarden stuff for about a month before pulling 'em. Maybe they just pulled them for the summer, though. That’d be awesome if they brought them back - I hate paying shipping on replacement bulbs and seed pods.
Anyone can grow them outside if they don’t live at 10,000 feet! All we can grow are wildflowers and grass out there, and given the 2 feet of snow that just dropped on us, I’m just so glad to have freshies inside. I’m going to need basil recipes, I can tell. Pizza and pesto will only use so much.
2nd planting will be salad greens, I think. We don’t eat enough greens.
You get a kit with the unit for your own seeds, so I imagine there have been some attempts at … weeds.
I got disenchanted with mine. It’s sitting empty in the corner of the dining room. I found that I never used any of the stuff I grew, it was constantly asking for water, and it was incredibly bright. I did the cherry tomatoes as my last crop. They were gorgeous until they fell over. I even pruned like I was supposed to. I should probably sell it.