I hate cell phone ringers!

I just upgraded to a nifty new phone, and I’m looking forward to downloading some new ring tones.

Still, when I’m in the office, I make damn sure I have it set to “quiet” or “meeting” which means it just gives a very faint little “Beep!” that only I can hear. Trust me, I only had to have it go off at my normally loud volume (I can’t hear the thing in my house unless it’s set to high) once at work and was thoroughly embarassed. Plus the new phone can vibrate, so that’s good, too. :smiley:


You mean that I can have mine do something other than just ring like a regular phone? Even if I can, I won’t—those damn tunes drive me insane.

Marcie and I just bought cell phones a couple of nights ago and I am still dazzled by all the bullshit the things are capable of. One of the menus says I have games–I don’t know what games, though. I’m also supposed to have a calculator, but I haven’t found it yet. I can make and receive calls with it and I can turn it on and off. Oh, I can recharge its little battery, too. I think that’s enough to ask of a guy my age.

I usually get more freaked out when a coworkers phone starts buzzing all over the desk.

Mine is always set to vibrate. Cell phones going off anywhere annoys me, especially in class. Sometimes while my phone is in my backpack, it will move so that it turns itself on accidentally, and then it could potentially ring during class. I think this is extremely rude to the class and the teacher. Also, the teacher is allowed to confiscate it (or so they claim, that’s a whole different thread). If my phone did turn on accidentally, and someone called me, it would just vibrate silently, because it’s always in silent mode.

This has nothing to do with the fact that mine only comes with about three ringtones, and I don’t like any of them very much…