Can’t I just go smelly until the weather gets a little warmer?
No. Okay then I’ll just freeze my titties of in the icy cold bathroom.
Nasty cold room
On the subject of cold bathrooms, I once stayed with some elderly relatives who had a furry cover on their toilet seat. In my youthful innocence I condemned them for this unhygienic practice. Such folly! What I wouldn’t give now to have a nice, warm furry toilet seat cover to protect my poor little bot bot.
I think what Biffy meant was a small, portable electric heater. Your electrical outlets aren’t on strike with the ducks, are they? Just plug it up, turn it on, and presto! a toasty bathroom in a few minutes.
Oh, and if you were kinder to the ducks, maybe they wouldn’t be on strike. You should be nicer to somebody’s mother, you know.
A. We don’t have a space heater and can’t afford to buy one and
B. We don’t have a hair dryer and as I’d never use it I’m not going to buy one.
Wonder what is worse for titties overall well being and health, freezing or electrocution?
CrazyCatLady I’ve been really nice to the ducks, honest! It is just that my cat’s view them as happy meals on legs which kinda pissed Duck HQ off. They were having enough trouble with staff moral already, let alone having some of their best and brightest mauled and eaten while on the job.
But I thought it never really got cold in Australia - even in the winter.
At least that’s what the Australia Trade and Tourism board would appear to be trying to tell us in all of those “Throw another shrimp on the barbie and come on down” adverts we keep seeing on North American television…
Are you telling me that something that advertises tourism in the southern latitudes could be telling an UNTRUTH???
At least you don’t have an outdoor bathroom - you know the redback on the toilet seat type. They’re really cold.
If you have a working duck (or alternate) elsewhere in the house, you should get leechboy to warm your towel for you and bring it to you when you get out of the shower - that way, you’ll be toasty warm.