And I hate living on a cul de sac. All the neighborhood kids come here to play. I wouldn’t mind that - I can tune out the noise and the constant thud-thud-thud of a dribbled basketball. I’ve figured out that the bike crashes are all part of the game.
But, I’m sick of the basketballs always coming into my yard and down my driveway and into my shrubs. I had more broken flowers last year than I could count. I’m tired of the kids riding their bikes across my grass. I’m tired of the kids riding their skates and skateboards across my grass. Correction - not grass - it’s dirt, due to the kids chasing balls and riding bikes and skates…
I hate being the neighborhood grouch. But I’m sick to death of kids who have no respect for property. And frankly, I’m terrified at the prospect of one of them getting hurt on one of my stepping stones and me being sued because of it. I’m fed up with putting hours into trying to make my yard look decent, only to find broken stems and branches, and ruts, and garbage. Today I was a heartbeat away from calling the police because some kids dragged a full size trampoline into the middle of the cul de sac.
Where are their parents? I’m thinking about attending our next association meeting - I’ve missed the last 3 because I was out of town. One neighbor said they were supposed to address respect for property - I haven’t seen it yet.
15 more months. I’m going to start counting the days till I can get out of here. I really hate my neighborhood.