My New Neighbors

So I live in an area that basically makes people cringe at the thought of being asked over because it’s so damn far away from civilization. We basically justify it by being able to have a bigger house, bigger yard (2 acres) and a lot of serenity.

The lot behind our house was sold about six months ago (give or take, I can’t really remember). At that point, it was just a wooded area that had to be cleared. Fine. So what do the idiot new owners do? Clear every. fucking. tree. On a 2-acre lot. We almost went over and begged them to leave something (I don’t know why THE FUCK we didn’t) so that we would have privacy from each other. :smack:

We still have some trees on our side but no where near enough to have the privacy we once had. (We did not build this house or otherwise WE would have left more trees).

Then – O Happy Day – they move in. Well, it’s not just your mom, dad + 2 kids situation…it’s the aforementioned PLUS parental units. Lucky for us, they are the kind of parental units that do nothing, not one thing, all day long, except sit out on the back porch staring in our direction. To that I’ll give a big, hearty WTF?

Granted there is about 50 yards between the two houses but to go from a sheer peaceful existence to this just sucks. I sit outside a lot on OUR porch and it just irks me to no end to see these human vegetables just plopped there staring.

Once it rains money, we’ll probably end up putting up a fence. If I have the nerve, I think I’ll steal an idea from one of the dopers (I can’t remember who) and give them the ol’ THUMBS DOWN when I catch their eye(s).

give them the thumbs down AND sit on your porch in the nude. If you’re lucky, the parental units are prude, and they’ll be so horrified that they’ll never leave the house again for fear of seeing “those crackpots over there”.

Seriously – I hate the clear cutting of trees for no apparent reason. I’ve seen old trees clear cut to put in houses, and what do they do once the houses are up? Plant little stick trees for landscaping!! Why don’t they just leave some of the old trees up in the first place!! Better yet – lots that are clear cut in order to develop it, but then it just sits there vacant, growing grass, with a for sale sign put on it.

forgot to add – there are a number of fairly fast growing shrubs that can be used as a natural fence - and they’d probably be cheaper than putting up a wood fence. A friend of mine planted some oleanders and they’ve gotten pretty good size in about a year. I’m not sure what the layout of your property is, but a length of trellis set up with a fast growing flowering vine would work too – and they’d both be pretty to boot!

Hopefully they’ll be old home bound sooner then later.

I also don’t understand why someone would buy a wooded lot then denude it! One of the houses my inlaws built was set so that a minimum number of trees had to be removed. One was so close, my FIL notched the eave so the tree had room to sway! Cracked me up!

Our lot in Maryland is heavily wooded, and we picked the location for the house so as to save the most big trees, including one huge one. Added bonus - no mowing or raking required - we’ll have a wee patch of lawn in the front and that’ll be it!

As someone with 2 acres without a single fucking tree on it when I bought it, I want to cry! :frowning:

I have spent hours and hours and hours and hours and hours planting, watering and cultivating trees at my place. Whenever I hear about trees getting cut down, I cringe!

After 4 years, I have about 70 trees that are actually “goers”, and the wife and I are continuously planting. I actually got to stand in the shade of tree #1 for the first time this summer! :slight_smile: That gave me a woody! (so to speak ;))

“Lets get them meek bastards NOW!

Heh. I laugh every time I think about the thumbs-down lady. Whose neighbor is that again?

I would plant shrubs or something too. Maybe pine trees? They grow fast (don’t know if your area would accomodate them). Of course landscaping a big area wouldn’t be too much cheaper than a fence…I’m not helping, sorry.

What if you sit there and just look back at them? That would be exciting.

Get poster board and start sending messages, like “Live All Nude Review begins at 6:00 - NO COVER CHARGE”

I hear tell that bamboo grows pretty quickly, and is extremely dense (just like your new neighbors).

Leland Cypresses are good, fast growing cover. I’d put some in in a pattern that looked like “the finger”…

Get poster board and start sending messages, like “Live All Nude Review begins at 6:00 - NO COVER CHARGE”

I hear tell that bamboo grows pretty quickly, and is extremely dense (just like your new neighbors).

Nothing beats a couple of huge tarps to shield the neighbors prying eyes. The Ocean State Job Lot near me has a couple of 20ft x 50ft tarps for about $75. Stick a couple of 20ft 4" PCV pipes in the ground, tie the tarps up and, VOILA, instant privacy. Don’t forget to cut some wind flaps in the tarp so the first strong breeze doesn’t blow them down. As an added feature, you can also decorate the far side of the tarp with whatever motif you desire, using easily-available latex paint. Consider carefully, as your neighbors will have to look at it for a long time.

I’m thinking some Roman orgy conga line type of thing.

I could have sworn I replied earlier but apparently it was eaten by the post elves (they’re hungry).

Well, they’re still out there. What six hours later? Only now everyone has come home so they’re all coagulating outside.

Thanks for the advice on the alternative solutions. There is some pretty thick brushage back there. My husband thinks it’ll grow in no time but I don’t know why it would suddenly sprout up 20 feet or so. I guess we’ll be making a trip to the Extra Well Fed Bush Department of the local nursery. Jizz-eaters.

Something like, say, “NICE TREES!”?

I hate that. A friend of a friend cut down a 100+year-old white oak because “it didn’t fit in with her play for her yard”. Dumbfuck. Plan your yard around it, you idiot. :mad:

If it makes you feel any better, some people know how to deal with neighbors like this:
Neighbor from hell gets $500K fine, 7 months in jail for bulldozing 300 protected oak trees.


Ohh, here’s a novel idea. How about walking over there and saying hi to your new neighbors?

So far you possibly have a couple of retired people who like to sit in their yard and take in the scenery after working their whole lives. And a working family who thought enough to take care of them.

They sound evil.

It’s not their fault you didn’t buy the land so it wouldn’t be built on. It’s not their fault that you didn’t ask them to save a tree or two.

Shite…you virtually need a personal Act of Parliament to be able to even chop a branch off a tree here in Australia. There would be a public outcry if someone cleared two-freaking-acres of trees…native or otherwise.

These people are quiet and sitting on their back porch. What’s the problem?

Get some neighbors who are meth-heads living in a 1970s double wide, who shoot guns in the middle of the night, who have an endless supply of starving dogs they let run loose, who don’t have a septic tank, and who beat and don’t feed their kids who then show up on your door step crying. Then you’ve got something to complain about.

For the record, we have introduced ourselves and had a nice chat. You’re right. They’re not loud or rude or about a hundred other MUCH WORSE things that they could be. It’s just a very uncomfortable feeling. From where they sit, they have a view of our driveway and the back of our house. I just feel totally watched with everything I do outside, including coming home, leaving, walking the dog, etc., and I don’t like it.

Yeah, it could be much worse. Your neighbors could always be talking about how much worse you could have it.

My insane next door neighbor will just sit in a chair and stare at us when we are in the yard. She also peeps out her windows at us. I know what you mean. It feels very creepy.