I hate that this song makes me cry

I’ve been racking my brain to remember this song…

Where Have You Been by Kathy Mattea.

Made me want to (figuratively) kill myself whenever I heard it.

Oh, too many to post, but Daddy’s Hands will usually do it. And they really shouldn’t play them at work. How am I supposed to deal with customers after I’ve listened to She Was?

I think Randy Travis must have a deal going with the Kleenex people.

ETA: I know neither of those is his, he just does a lot of them.

Another Randy Travis number, The Box. Makes me think about my dad (he’s alive tho) and then get all misty.

Pearl Jam’s version of “Last Kiss”. I keep telling myself “There’s a reason why the original was not a huge hit,” but Eddie Vedder could sing about his garbage disposal being clogged and my heartstrings would be tugged.

Has nobody else noticed that the link in the OP is broken?

Hint, it’s reversed, just copy + paste if you want sad.