I hate the smell of tapioca

I’ve been googling this the last few days and haven’t found a good definitive answer. In the movie A Christmas Story its one of the Higbees department store hired Santa Claus quips. What does it mean? I’ve bought the movie on Comcast on demand for my 5 year old son and its been background noise in my household for these last few days. I’m assuming tapioca was popular with children in 1939/1940? And seeing that he is frustrated and working past his agreed upon end shift time the hired Santa is just venting? In the 2011 NPR interview with Scott Schwartz(who played Flick and not Schwartz in the film) the host, Neil Conan mentions the line and has a laugh. What makes this line funny to those who understand its full context?

I always assumed they were alluding to kids throwing up on Santa…

likely lots of nervous puking going on. likely nervous peeing too after that long line wait.

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