I hate this product and,

Oh, these new age, non-competitive pinatas are the tip of the iceberg. I’ve been to plenty of these birthday parties with my kids. The parties I like are when you drop off your kids and come back later for them, or parties (mostly by my Latin American friends) that feature a full bar in the back room for the adults and the kids entertain themselves.

These new smarmy, egg-shell yuppie parties are something else. The parents hover over their royal, sensitive children and “HELP” them have fun. “Wasn’t that nice? Wasn’t that fun? Ooh, Ahh what a wonderful present! Did you say thank you to Jared?”

And then, the worst part, the non-competitive, non-violent, cooperative, esteem-building “games.” I haven’t seen the ribbon pinatas, but I have seen this. One party played “Musical Chairs” but there were enough chairs for all the kids. They wouldn’t remove a chair because it would require one kid aggressively pushing another kid out, who would be out of the game. So the music played, the kids skipped around the chairs, and then the music stopped and they all sat down. And they and their parents looked at each other, trying to remember what was fun about this game, anyway.

And then, “Pin the Tail on the Donkey,” which filled these new age parents with nostalgia, but of course they managed to ruin this one, too. You blindfold a kid, twirl him around and he pins a tail in the wrong place on the donkey. This is supposed to be funny, but the parent sets out to be sure it isn’t. Otherwise the kid might lose his self esteem. “Oh, you put the tail on the donkey’s head! That’s okay, it’s like a ribbon in her hair now.” Again you can feel this under-current among the parents, who remember enjoying this game as kids but now can’t remember why, because they have now effectively ruined the whole point of the game

Most of these parents are younger than I am and I am appalled at their cluelessness. I don’t want to even think about what the world will be like when their indulged, protected, pampered children take over.

Well, in this case, why not have a party WITHOUT A PINATA? Either do a pinata or don’t do a pinata. I, proud New Mexican though I am, happen to hate Pinatas. It is perfectly do-able to have a birthday party without a pinata.

Crap like this really makes me weep for the future. :frowning:

Non-violent pinatas? Toothpaste as a prize? Little bags of candy fall out with the kids names on them? W T F?!?!

It’s time to get back to nature people!

Get a pinata, fill it with raw sugar (and a little unmixed Jell-o for colour) and let kids crack that bastard open with extra sharp lawn darts. The kid brave enough to lay under it with his mouth open wins the prize with a face full of pure sugar bliss.

If the new pinatas are too tough to open, give the kid an axe. That’d do the trick. It will teach them how to open a box hanging from a string.

<Irwin Mainway> It’s educational. Ya know. Something for the kiddies </Irwin Mainway>

Or…shudder…let the disabled kids try and not win…the same as all but one of the the able-bodied kids do.

I’m recalling the scene from “Days of our Lives” where the kids broke the pinata and out fell Cassie’s bloody body. Now that was a pinata.

My son had a Barney pinata for his 6th birthday party. The evil thing wouldn’t break. There were 20+ kids there and after each budding little maniac had had three whacks at it I finally just ripped his head off (much cheering ensued) and scattered the candy out onto the floor. Then the kids played kickball with Barney’s head.

That was a good day.

WOO HOO! I made thread spotting! Thank you** Jade Dragon**!
When I was a kid I had a pinata that I won in a raffle and I just hung in my room as a decoration. It was shaped like a Mexican. It was a man in a sitting position with his knees pulled up and his head and hands were resting on his knees. He was wearing a large sombrero. So I guess you were supposed to beat the lazy Mexican and get some candy.

There was a tag on it that read “Product of Mexico”.

That’s the important thing to remember. The piñatas you whack are paper maché. The piñatas you look at and say things like, “Ooh, isn’t that pretty,” are made of plaster. Do not confuse the two.

Either way you have to fill them with candy yourself.

Depending on how you look at it that was either the worst or best 30th birthday parties ever.

Mind you, my buddies and I had better uses for Pinatas. On the Fourth of July we’d get one–usually the more obnoxious the better–and fill it with fireworks. One year we toasted a Power Ranger (the Red one I think) and another year we had this really pervy looking clown. We filled him up with cheap fireworks and lit him up–ah the squealing of the piccolo petes in his death wails! The flare of the rockets out of his chest–but our favorite was when the aptly named Golden Showers blew sky high out of his clowny crotch.

Patriotism was never so sweet, folks.

What’s next - King of the Hill on a nice, flat playground, so no one feels inferior to anyone else? I…I feel a new thread coming on.

And crossed knees… :smiley:

Read the whole thread, dammit, read the whole thread!
:smack: :smack:

I was TVebbed…

Ahem…I think it should be Mezo-American confection quadraped.

Don’t want to leave those llamas out, do we? All must be included–no hurt feelings that way.
The scariest thing about this thread was the toothpaste. Bet that woman gives out raisins at Halloween, too.
The Yuppie parties sound surreal. And I can see it happening. boy, are those kids in for a shock when they find out the real world isn’t fair or even all that nice!

I have had Pinatas at most of my kids parties. My sons were into medieval stuff, so I fashioned alot of wings onto brontosaurus pinatas(oh, alright! apatosaurus!).
The fun is in the slaying of the “dragon”–and I didn’t blindofold the kids!

One year, we gave out plastic swords as party gifts with the goodie bags (no toothpaste)–then realized we had forgotten to do the pinata! Out to the backyard went we, and the boys used their new swords instead of the bat. Georgie, the smallest (but feistiest) kid there-broke his sword in half trying to get at that candy.

Ah, good times.

And gives socks for Christmas. :smiley:

What’s wrong with saying “thank you” to Jared?

Fucking post-eating hamsters. Anyway, I was just saying that all is not lost! I don’t have kids yet, but if/when I do, there sure as hell won’t be any sissy pinatas or “everyone’s a winner!” games. What the hell fun’s a game without any competition? I bet those yuppie parents coo over every bruise, scratch and scrape their kids get, too. Damn, I always knew I was having a great summer if I was carrying around several scratches and bruises I couldn’t account for.

I still don’t get this Pinata thing, must be some Murrican thing I guess.

It all seems pointless, if you want sweets then go to the sweetshop and buy them, or get a relative to do it for a treat.

What’s all this hitting and donkeys or horses and stuff all supposed to be about ?

Wait, wait, wait…a non-violent Darth Vader piñata?

Shouldn’t a non-violent piñata be shaped like Gandhi or MLK? I mean, the whole idea is stupid from the get-go, but shouldn’t there at least be some measure of conceptual consistency?

Mexican with a European background, actually. :stuck_out_tongue: