I hate you, you fucking bastard.

I’ve had it. My Aboriginal women’s drum group has been invited to play at a big World Religions conference in town this Saturday. Unfortunately I am scheduled to work that day. We are allowed to switch Saturdays with someone, but everyone else I work with has big plans, so I asked my boss, who I’ve helped out many times. He just says “Oh, I’m busy that day,” and gives me a smug smile. :mad:

You fucking son of a bitch. I’ve cancelled MY plans and switched with you when you were desperate so many times. I’ve NEVER before asked to switch and now you won’t help me?? It’s bad enough that you’re already psychologically abusive and discriminatory towards me, and charm your fucking way out of trouble whenever someone starts to notice what an asshole you are. I can’t even wear jewellery or anything that shows my heritage at work because you feel it necessary to make fun of me. “Hey, it’s the little squaw!” You said once (He vehemently denied it when I told HR, and they believed him).

I hope you burn in hell, you discriminating, selfish fucker. I’m not going to be nice anymore. Next time you need a favor, I’ll be busy.

What would happen if you threw a sickie ? (trans.called in sick ?) As Boss would he have to come in ? He sounds like a right wanker to me - just make sure you call early before your first coffee/tea to keep that growly/groggy tone in your voice.

I’d love to, but I know he’d get me back for it. I’ve never faked a sick day, but he loves to make me feel awfully guilty whenever I’ve had to call in sick (e.g. “This means me and X will have to be by ourselves today, are you SURE you can’t come in??”)…although it’s no big deal to him whenever HE’S called in sick and I’ve had to work by myself.

While it would be nice to make this twat have to work, I’m guessing the Goddess is in the service industry, so I’d bet she would leave her co-workers short-handed, instead of having her boss work.

Said plans should conform to his Aboriginal racism as much as possible. “Sorry, can’t help you out. Totem Pole carving class tonight!” “Nope, can’t do it, Smoke Signals for Dummies class!”

Give him that smug look right back when you do it too.

Always carry a portable tape recorder at work.

Wear your aboriginal jewelry.

Surreptitiously, turn tape recorder on whenever he enters the room.

Record Boss’s derogatory comments.

Go to HR. Play tape.

Wish a smug goodbye to Boss as he cleans out his desk.

Well now you know that you don’t have to feel guilty. It sucks, but it should be liberating in a way since you’ve had it proven you don’t owe him a thing.

Technically, he’s supposed to substitute when someone can’t come in, but I’m sure he’d pass it off on somebody else. He’s done it before.

Heh heh. Or maybe stare longingly at his head and say, “You’ve got a nice, thick scalp. Bet it would come off real smooth.” :smiley:

Oooh, that would make me SO very angry! If it were me, I’ll call in sick that day. Screw him. I like that idea above regarding the tape recorder! That’d teach the bastard. Wear whatever jewelery you want to wear. Don’t feel guilty…he’s an asshole. Call in sick and enjoy the day! Screw him and what he thinks! Good luck to you!

You definitely need some Puking Pastilles and some Nosebleed Nougat from the Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes Shop…

Go to your local/provincial labor office, if he truly is being discriminatory and psychologically abusive and your HR department is refusing to acknowledge it. I don’t know anything about Canadian law, but my guess is that it’s just as illegal there to create a hostile work environment as it is south of the border.

I would look into the law before I recorded people without their knowledge. I don’t know about Canada but in the states the laws concerning that sort of thing vary from state to state.

Is E = mc²’s suggestion of hiding a tape recorder feasible? Is there any law in Canada against taping people without their consent that might get AFG in trouble if she tries this?

If it’s legal, it sounds like a great idea to me.

This so bears repeating. I really hope you do it.

I think that calling in sick loses all possibility of appearing genuine when everyone, including your boss, knows you’ve been trying to get that day off for some time!

I’ll have to check out the laws here about recording someone without their consent. My mom also suggested the tape recorder thing, but I’m worried about him hearing the “click” of the button. He’d get suspicious if I was reaching into my pocket and clicking something every time he was in my vicinity.
He’s got this remarkable gift of charm where he can talk his way out of anything. I can’t believe how much he gets away with. And I’m sure HR sees lots of cases like this, but he was even able to fool them into thinking he was innocent.

He’s very creepy too…he has a huge porn collection that he actually BRAGS about, and he’ll make passes to the other (married!) girls at work…“You look hot today”, “Your hair is really pretty like that”.

He actually really scares me.

As per law, you can record a conversation as long as you are a party to it. It is illegal to record conversations between others if you are not present. This makes wire taps illegal and a criminal offence.

So, yes it is a good idea for Amazon Floozy Goddess to record this guy’s shit and use it to put him in his place.

Oh my god. He sounds horrific.


and this:

are giving me anger-induced heart palpitations.

My advice #1: never, ever again cover anybody’s shift unless you WANT to. You have no obligation. Particularly if it’s boss-asshole-man. I understand it’s nice to be nice but people WILL take advantage of you if you let them. Once I personally covered 5 shifts at a coffee shop (at $8/hour) on Valentine’s Day because mysteriously, everyone else that was scheduled that day called in sick, and the manager wasn’t available by phone. Yes, I’m still bitter.

My advice #2: talk to a lawyer immediately w.r.t the tape recorder. So what if he gets suspicious. You’re not doing anything wrong, HE is. Also I suggest baiting him into saying something hateful with witnesses around. Assholes get away with shit like that because people (ie your co-workers) let them. That is (or should be) an immediately fire-able offense.

If you’re poor like me you should be able to get legal aid (there’s lots in Toronto if you live here); if not there’s a lawyer line you can call (something like $6 on your phone bill) for some quick advice. You really have only two questions: one, on the legality of taping your boss; and two, on the firability of his offenses.

My advice #3: quietly find out if anyone feels the same way as you re: his spewing of hatred. It’s likely that you’re not the only one, and he relies on each of you thinking “Oh, it’s not worth fighting” in order to get away with it. Three of you independently bringing your complaints to HR would carry a lot more weight than just one. It seems from your last comment that he spews his misogyny around the office as well as his racial hate. You should be able to find a few complaints if you go digging.

My advice #4: Go to your event. Pull a sickie. If he makes a stink about it, especially if you’ve already brought up the suggestion that he is a racist fuck, he will have trouble defending himself against the suggestion that he’s trying to prevent you from practicing your culture - a MAJOR breach of the charter of rights and freedoms.

Man, now I’m really angry.

I was just talking to one of my co-workers from another department about this…she said “That’s really unfair…let me see what I can do.” So she went and talked to her supervisor, and her supervisor called me and said she had a part-time person who was trying to get more hours and she could arrange to have this girl come to cover me for the day. I thanked her profusely and called my boss to tell him of the change to the schedule. When I told him, there was a pause, and then he said “Fine,” very curtly and hung up on me.

What a cock. But at least his assholery came back at him for once. The switch is going to be absolutely no inconvenience to him, but he’s mad because now it’s one less way for him to get his kicks by making life harder for me. He gets off on power and control.

Big Happy Yeay :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
I hope you have a wonderful time.

BTW would any of your colleagues feel strongly enough about him to go to HR as a group ?

I’d be interested in reading this law in detail. Can you provide a cite?