I have 220 hot dogs in my fridge... (17th of May!)

…and I don’t even like hot dogs very much! :eek:

They’re not for us, of course. They’re for the 17th of May (Constitution Day) celebration at flodjunior’s school tomorrow. I’m on the “catering” committee and we will be feeding about 160 people, counting all the kids, siblings, parents, etc. We did the big shopping trip yesterday and when I toted up the bills they came to just over NOK2000 - roughly US$300. Once I got over the sticker shock, I realized that’s a pretty cheap party we’re organizing!

Now, if only the weather gods will cooperate…

Whoops, my first double post :o Mods, do your worst!

And here are some pictures from other 17th of May celebrationshttp://www.aftenposten.no/english/bildeserier/article.jhtml?articleID=546559

Will post more tomorrow.

If you have any questions I will try to answer (since I have studied Norwegian history recently I should be able to answer most questions).

Now I have no hot dogs in my fridge. And my feet have stopped hurting.

And I have six years to rest before I have to do this again.

Both Westby, WI and Spring Grove, MN have Sytende Mai (I know that is spelled wrong) celebretions. Westby’s was extra big this tear because it is the 100th aniversary of the local creamery. Westby also has ski jumps in the winter so its pretty nordic.
