After being “on the dole” for nearly 9 months (to be honest, I wasn’t looking for work too hard during what was the most fabulous ski season in recent memory) I now find myself with 4 offers for work!
Man, what to do, what to do?
The first one is to return to a job I took in late March and quit after just 3 weeks. A horrible commute to a grab-asstic, junior-high-school-mentality crap-hole. The first day on the job, no fewer than 4 people told me what a shit-hole the place was and how they hated it. Well, after a few weeks, I agreed, and having the luxury to bail out, I did. They were begging me to come back the next day. But, curously, were not willing to adress the issues that led me to quit. Needless to say, I did not return, but the offer still stands.
Got an offer last week after the first interview. Was told there would be a second, but got an offer by phone instead. Hummm… whats that about? I had a few specific questions that I was saving for the 2nd visit that need to be answered. Guess I better get down there and ask.
Got 2 offers today. Both more money than the offer above. Both better benefits. Both after a 2nd interview. Both with no questions on my part left unanswered.
I got a lot to think about next week. I guess the “silver lining” is that if I take one and it doesn’t work out, I may have some back up options. Or maybe if I take the wrong one, I’ve blown my shot at the others! :eek:
Any way I go, I end up with a 5 minute commute, 8 hour day, weekends/holidays off, casual dress (Levi’s and tennies! Yeah!) in non-smoking facilities.
I better find out which one will let me post to SDMB during work hours. That’ll clinch it!
See you all Sunday night or Monday. Gotta go out of town this weekend.