It must have been left by the houseguests. I have 3/4 of a jar of Lezzo Elma Aromali içecek Tozu,
Turkish Famous Since 1976 Apple Drink.
Does anyone know if this is good to drink? The powder is clumpy, and varying in consistency. Is it always like this, or has it been sitting too long? And most important, how is it with gin?
Hell, I thought this was a post about lesbians. Anyway, gin will kill just about any living organisms known to man. Maybe a few not known.
How does the Lesbo (whatever) smell? Please don’t waste too much gin on experimentation. Other than martini’s.
BTW Tozu sounds a lot like Ouzo, (sp?)
Well, I went ahead and experimented with it. A few observations:
The clumping is due to moisture. As to the variance in texture and consistency, I can’t say.
It will not dissolve directly into gin. More’s the pity.
It would appear that the directions were indicating 75cc of hot water and not, as I originally believed, Waffen SS water. I found it will dissolve in as little as 10cc of water, whereupon it mixes with gin quite nicely. It has a very strong taste of sour apples, with very little sugar. How little is a mystery, as it is not listed on the label. It does have “enerji,” which is measures in kcal (100). There is also karbonhidrat, 25.0. And 0 g of Yag. That’s good to know. I’ve been trying to watch my yag.