At last I have secured myself a summer job! Not only is it a job, but it’s a cool job that I might actually enjoy! I get to be a research assistant for a professor and her graduate students in a lab on campus! I get to do fun stuff with cellular imaging and whatnot.
Granted, some of it will be kinda tedious grunt work (like preparing glass slides and steralizing tools) but I also get to have fun with cell samples, and all in all actually learning a lot about what it is people in my major (biomedical engineering) do!
Congratulations, bouv!
The job sounds neat… Great that you’re getting some experience in your field; it’ll look good on your resume and help you get your feet wet in biomed stuff.
Good luck!
Kn(who has sterilized more tools and poured more culture plates than she could count)ckers.
I’m a research associate–it’s my full-time job. (That’s, uh, where I am right now . . . heh heh.) I’ve done everything from report-writing and proofreading to designing brochures and laminating covers. The best part is putting the publications I helped write on my resume.
For me, it’s applied sociology. In other words, we conduct telephone surveys and analyze the data regarding things like, oh, the effectiveness of an insurance company’s health-and-wellness initiatives or the impact of a prevention program’s media campaigns about the dangers of underage drinking.
I’ve learned more here than I ever did in college.
Right now, we’re working on some policy evaluations for the Ohio Department of Public Safety. So if Ohioans start getting pulled over just for refusing to wear a seat belt, we might have a (miniscule) hand in that. :o
Congrats, bouv. As a grad student still struggling to find summer support, it cheers me to hear that someone managed to snag a cool way to get cash for the next few months.